Doushite ? Naze ?
waaaaa !! :(
Paradise Kiss ending really throwed me off the cliff :(
It was a terrible ending to such beautiful story :'(
Eventhough the ending was not as cliché as other story but still, I WANT MY HAPPY ENDING ! waaaa X((
Jouji (George) was so nice to Yukari (Caroline) :(
Regardless his playboyish attitude and his actions that shows as if he is heartless, deep down he cared so much for Yukari that he cried :(
But he never shows it ! arghh ! STE-Resss~~! (ala-ala gary)
Sigh, Ai Yazawa, I respect you so much for creating such anime that given me alot of emotions.

I love it when Jouji made another butterfly ring for Yukari. So romantic :3

Another anime hero crush :3 Pyuu !

Labels: anime

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.