this video is gonna be worthwhile to watch.
at least more worthy than Ben 10 Alien Swarm. TSK
[ more scoop on that later ]
seriously, you guys have to watch it.
i mean, there's no way that you have never felt what it was like being a new kid in a new place.
this made me smile.
i mean, even though 27th is a long way to go.
i kinda.. wondered what's going to happen ?
how will the surrounding be ?
and will i survive ?
and i don't know why, but i think that because i really don't want my personalities, change.
i mean, i like the way i am now.
i don't want to change into a bad person.
who forgot who i really was. correction, who i really am.
i don't want to be different than i am truly are.
i refused to change so much.. that i'm scared.
i'm scared that i will.
no. i shouldn't feel that way.
i must have faith in myself.
oh well.
i still can't wait to go.
even though there's like 3 more weeks to go.
i don't why, but i'm so anxious to go, that i want to prepared all that i need for Melaka, right now ! haha XD
crazy thought.
oh well.
be patient fasya, be patient :)
look only at me
Labels: what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.