~Ellen Glasgow
i got like one more tag i owe nuha.
but i'm gonna keep that on hold, cause its abit kinda describing about myself.
so i wanted it to be abit from the bottom of my soul to blog :)
like i said, from my last post [ which i'm not sure which one -_-" sorry. my amnesia is getting worst]
last week was the bomb.
i had an amazing week.
everyday is just a great day. well ALMOST haha
ok ok, no complaining ;)
credits pic to natasha.
and natasha, goyang skit xpe. asalkan muka i ADA.
[fuh capitalized lagi tu]
haha :D
no seriously, you have to see ashli's face. I DO NOT KNOW WHY but he looks FREAKY HAPPY -_-"
freaaaaky -_-"
xpe xpe, emo gotta cool down sometimes :P
and i do not know why i label tini's and nana as well hehe
ok. so yeah. poco2 is already in the title. so you can guess.
teachers are training all the form 6's to do the poco-poco and we 'MIGHT' [note that i capitalized that] have to dance poco-poco at a certain event at school which i do not know of :)
lari fasya lari! nanti ada orang akan serang kau! :O
abaikan *bak pepatah LOO si gangster :D
he's goooood :P
ofcourse, mesti la i record :P
ps; CHRIS IS ACTUALLY a good poco-poco dancer you know. i just realised that :D
but no doubt he's great dancer, biasa la. PEMINAT MJ haha :)
haiyah.. -_-"
ps; william is counting. william william! poco-poco tak perlukan addmaths formula. haha :D
he will definitely pose like that -_-"
i'll show you one day.
i WILL. oooooh i will :) i will will.i.am haha :D
haha just kidding ashli, you know i love ya aite ;)
even candid pun x dpt menangkap gmbr muka dia 0_0
tin, razzaq, darshini and ling :D
god, i miss bullying natasha on my blog :P
or maybe i miss being bullied by natasha? hem.
OH NO! :D haha
especially when loo is wearing only singlet 8
tinihoney and nanabanana haha
madu dan pisang :P
i have found your new names girls :D
this video crack me up all the time.
1; ashli was really really swagging his butt meaning he's dancing awesomely :P
2; the funny part was when ling ran away.
yes ling. YOU RAN AWAY from dancing. haha XD
i mean look at me in this pic! -_-" pfft
never mind, i still love guys anyway. sigh :)
oh ok, this is adam.
um yeah.. ok move along! LOL [pose terlalu mesmerizing -_-"] bahah!
oh well :)
and thats that. FOR POCO-POCO TRAINING SESSIONS! applause! haha
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, story of the day

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.