notetoself; NEED to topup my touchNgo card.
GEDIK, sudah tinggal bape sen je lagi. ABG AKU X BAYAR. SENGET PUNYA ABG -_-"
i know that devika already told me, if you don't have a touchNgo or lost or so so on, you can always buy the ticket at the table *terbayang table tersebut*
but having an empty touchNgo feels so.. empty. SENGET PUNYA AYAT -_-"
but yeah, X SENANG TIDO DAKU DIBUAT. HAH alasan xleh nk di blah kan lagi ke?
wah membebel sampai berzaman berjanggut pun x habis mak oi! asal la aku ckp sorg2 byk kali ni -_-"
ok ok, FAZRA. i know i know. i hutang you tag kan? kan?
sorry naik troli atas lori sangat2! *abaikan.. -_-" *
tapi, dengan luhur hati dan pinky promish *membuat pinky* saya berjanji akan buat tag itu secepat mungkin.
ceritaaa nya begini, ni yang cik nak habaq. laptop dah kene tariq dengan mak cek. hat lagu tu la susah skit cik nk online2 neh.
hah? tu je la. yg tunggu lagi ape. cerita dh abeh. haha :D
ops, saya terbaca ayat di atas, dan perkataan "tariq" mengingatkan saya kepada seseorg. BAHAHA XD
nuha? kamu ingat siapa tu? :P
ok ok, ofcourse, xkn la beberapa hari x online xde cita kan?
mesti byk kan?
hoi! ayat apa kamu guna wahai fasya -_-"
i'll make it short. yesterday *referring to monday* i sang two songs during assembly for the pelancaran bulan kemerdekaan * hah kau, tukar bm lak*.
tpi unfortunately, xde orang record :(
and i didn't bring my camera, that made it worst.
like farhah said, " WHAT A WASTE"
but oh well :)
it was one of those days, where it remains in my memoirs :D
hey i'm getting popular! haha :P
ADUH!! byknya aku membebel -_-"
sebenarnyer, tgh fikir lagi apa nk post ni.
sebab devika marah, xde gmbr dier lgsg kt blog ni :P
haha :D
another current reader of my blog :)
terharu2 :')
oh oh and this week is gonna be the bomb! i can feel it!! :D
yesterday was already the bomb! tomorrow! whoa! mcm nk tertumpah kegembiraanku ini.
*agak pelik, skrg ni tgh gembira tpi tgh dgr lagu sedih dri band kerispatih* -_-"
and then this thursday, omg! chocolate chocolate chocolate! don't worry, i'll definite bring my camera for that :9
and wah, akhirnya, next week cuti :)
and then next next week, tukar class :)
ah, sudah2 jgn kau terbayangkan muka2 parents mu yg telah dissappointed atas keputusan mu. INI HIDUP MU. INGAT ITU WAHAI FASYA.
ok, i'm right, FERRERO ROCHER really makes me hyper tonight. sehingga mengalir ke tanganku. disebabkan itu kepala pun meluap2 idea, hati membara dengan perasaan dan tgn pun bergerak pantas. wah wah ayat MMG xleh bla sayangku fasya :)
i was going to put the blame on the excitement i'm going to go through for this week, but i've been blaming that too much lately, it has become bored. haha :P
even devika pun mesti boring baca sume ni kan,
ntah ntah dia x baca langsung -_-"
cmon la dudes, kelas sebelah je kot :P
but yeah, can't lie, i do gonna miss them.
it'll be very different.
haih, sudah fasya, jangan kau meragui segalanya :P
saya dh jumpa gmbr kamu :P
akhirnya, muncul jugak kamu dalam blog saya :)
sebenarnya karthi hanya model dlm ni, saya sedang promote maggie saya.
belilah, hanya RM1.40 saje. eem ayam. soo tasteeeey :P
kenapa? sebab sudah berkurun lama saya mkn maggie dlm cup.
its been 7 years, ish ish -_-"
i was going to buli tini as well, but she deleted her pic from my camera. PANDAI EK :P
oh oh mamee slurp bersama ice lemon tea :9
god i'm hungry.
sejak kebelakangan ni, rumah ni penuh dgn botol ice lemon tea. hem..
fasya, sudah la tu -_-"
haha you were laughing too much that time -_-"
devika, from that moment, i realise that YOU ACTUALLY LIKE TO POSE, except you JE x tunjuk :P
kan saya dh ckp?
note: that devika is actually posing that time. THIS IS NOT CANDID. haha
nak jugak capitalized kan :P
time xde cikgu, melalak x tentu hala :D
well devika was asking me to sing taylor swift-love story song. she even wrote down the lyric for me to sing -_-"
ok! saya dh tau apa lagu favourite kamu devika :P
credits to tini for pic :)
sebab beg itu comel :P
again, credits to tini for pic :)
i know i know, gmbr ni sudah lama, well actually not that long, but when it is count in minutes, seconds,hours or days, yes it is obviously sounds like ages ago :P
so, sudah sudah. cause i think i have babble enough on this post.
x kisah la kalau ada org baca ke x pjg2 ni.
kalau baca, meh saya bagi hadiah nak? :)
yes i'm talking to you lorh :P
remember! i love you :)
FASYA*jumping up and down*
Labels: friends

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.