fazra i know you're having trial right now, but i hope you get this award.
sebab sengaja nak buat diri ni rajin dan sibuk.
saya akn multiply keje saya. haha :D
as in, doing all the tags nuha gave [even if she didn't gave all] LOL
and post as well my current life or whatever events that has been happening last :)
last week was the bomb.
i really wish i could re-live it again :)
but for this post, i'm going to give out awards to my superb followers.
ofcourse i wish i could give it back to nuha, cause she is like one of the superb followers that i had, but that means i am making nuha doing this twice -_-"
urgh i talk too much :)

; done! :D it is from nuha, ofcourse i already stated that above -_-"
2 . Nyatakan tentang diri pemberi award ni :
; nuha muneerah is the name ;)
; born on 25th july
; is going to egypt :o [that is SO obvious -_-"]
; she has her mind on doctor and her heart on writing/expressing.
not sure, maybe its the other way around -_-" LOL
3 . Perasaan bila dapat award ni :
; happy and grateful that i have been given an award by her. dier letak nama tu! terpampang lagi nama ku di blog dia. sungguh BANGGA AND TERHARU haha XD
4 . Tag sekurangkurangnya 5 orang :
; Fazra! she is the bomb! ps; i miss you :(
; atok kerepot haha XD i miss you too man :(
; ghazree [ where have you been -_- ]
; bear bear [ ni sorg lagi, ntah mana hilang]
; and like nuha, all of the people who has been kind enough to follow me :)
Labels: tags

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.