keputusan berani mati.
eh eh, terus keluar BM lagi.
mentang2 kau dpt paper pengajian am 1 hari ni -_-"
dh dh, jangan tanya berapa ku dpt, plus, belum dapat PA2, so xleh tmbh lagi :P
oh yeah, kenapa ku cakap keputusan berani mati?
*transform!! chikukuchik[sound effects -_-"]*
its because i'm posting this waaaaaaaay beyond my curfew. and if my parents or brothers found out, which they won't for today because they are all asleep, but if they found out, i would be DEAD man. DEAD i tell ya. LOL
dh la laptop ni bukan *eh jap, TRANSFORM! chikukchik*
not only that, this is not my LAPTOP. aiyo -_-"
dh dh, keringkan air terjun mu dari matamu.
GOD, nuha, do you know how addictive your blog can be?
you dah transform i menjadi blogger ROJAK -_-"
hah kau! rojak la smpi habeh :P
pastu si fazra ni, suka merepek. menjadi aku menghepek di dlm blog ku ni -_-"
aduh.. haih, blogger yang aku follow mmg menceriakan hidup ku la :)
heh, thats a lie. i missed playing badmintons even without looking at all the pics.
these pics just makes me miss MORE. HEH figures -_-"
thats natasha and jaya.
hoho, why am i being so evil to natasha today when she has been actually, QUITE good to me.
well at least, she bullies less these days, and she cares about what i do lately :)
awww i love natasha * i can imagine natasha saying "i'm sorry, i do not love you" hahah* :)
they're the bomb in badminton man! seriously, they are -_-"
thats why i love playing with them :)
ps; chris, thankyou for always picking me up. if you didn't, i would miss all the fun :)
and thats what natasha wants -_-"
haha :P
tini bersemangat kot 0,0
eh asal kau senyum fasya, SUNGGUH EVIL haha

i dunno what/why they were laughing, but they were laughing anyway, so yeah :)
neereindar ada! baru satu minggu kt poli, balik plak. ish3 -_-" LOL
ala, budak university/matriks yg duduk asrama mmg camtu.
haha! zaki is right, i am the one who started the new race XD
the race of stpm, the race of university or the race of matriks. mmg hebat :P
kan kan? dier PANDAI MENGELAK KOT -_-"
ps; devika, loo and karthiyainee xde sebab, well sebab diorg xde. LOL
if they were there that day, it would have been much better :(
sempat senyum lagi LOL :D
sayang tini :)
haha buli tini di blog pulak!!!! XD
either way, i will answer " YES THAT IS ME."
credits pic to WILL.I.AM :)
serong punya william tgkp gmbr mcm ni -_-"
tgk la muka budak yg x pandai men badminton LOL
nasib baik christopher ade LOL :D
sorry ar, time tu fikir tgkp gmbr je, x pernah kisah berapa.
sebab selagi memory x full, tgkp SEPUAS HATI. betul x? haha XD

he is so blur that it annoys you -_-"
but when he plays badminton, dengan keblur-an dia, hebat mcm GILER -_-"
smpi diriku sendiri jadi GILER haha :P ok ok bable -__-'
omg! siapa punya kaki dn tangan ni!
omg omg! JAYA! -__-" ruins the pic la.. aiyoo -__-"
and william, wah, sampai senget i nmpk u nk tgp bola tu -_-"
*pause. MENGUAP*
*pause. stretching back*
ps; actually they have adidas marathon the next week, so they were preparing themselves. LIKE I DON'T KNOW LOL
sigh.. *MENGUAP+stretching+change position (tgh letak laptop di peha) *
haih, sakit bdn ku.
kamu sudah melihat pause ku.
ini bermaksud keputusan berani mati ku, tdk menjadi.
nampaknya ku kene tido.
so fazra, till tomorrow :)
trust me, i'll do the tag tomorrow.
remember! i love you.
ps; i miss you like hell. and i dunno why, when i think about how i miss you, it just hurts so much that i cry.
oh i know why, its because you're not here. maybe i should call you to tell how i feel. oh wait i can't, cause you're JUST NOT HERE. and never will.
Labels: friends

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.