other than pidato/publicspeaking,
i had more fun when i came back to school.
it was a great decision to not go home after i finish the competition :)
yes, my classmates,schoolmates and new friends really made my day on 20/07/09
haha :D
if you remember my post about hari koperasi, yoy would remember these two guys.
if you dont, LET ME REMIND YOU AGAIN :)
left, ADAM. right, ASHLI.
they are the guys who rock my world :)
without them, my life would be less miserable+fun. haha XD
wanna noe what they were doing that time smpi diorg posing begitu?
yup, this is what they did -______-"
time ko-kurikulum, xde keje, MEREKA MENARI DAN MENYANYI. haha XD
haha XD kenangan terindah la KONON :P
diorg menyanyi FEEELING kot -___-"
hahah, disebabkan cikgu berada di depan time tu, this was the last video we took XD
lihat la ekspresi muka adam bila ashli x abeh2 menyebut nama billy
and ekspresi muka adam time cikgu panggil dier. haha XD
and then i took off with some of my mates to play badminton. or should i say, i watched them played badminton. LOL
natasha asked me to delete this. haha
sorry natasha ;) you buli i kt kelas, i buli u kt blog. haha XD
haha ee buntot tini kt kanan ni haha XD
sarab dgn loo mcm menari la, asal sarab muka happy sgt? haha :D
comel la ;) ahahh XD
haha budak bomba, sume tahu kan? :) haha
999 :P
haha, she was saying " ey! don't take my pic la!! " that time. haha
it was suppose to be candid. she was playing badminton with loo.
haha ey, jgn main2. pn devasara hebat kot :)
gosh, how many times i have to say this -__-"
oh well, he's my david archuletta :)
haha he does look abit like a gangster in this pic XD
haha oh yeah, this is loo :)
ish3, sape ar yg tgkp gmbr ni ;)
haha XD
oh yeah, SERONG NYA WILL.I.AM! haha :D
captured in scene XD
sorry 'david'. paparazzi mmg camtu :)
yey! buli you lagi nampaknya haha :D
haha natasha tgh minum, pipi terus jadi tombom :P
dia kata jgn tgkp, tpi posing jugak dier :P
i just realise, ruban and karthi jarang muncul dlm blog i -__-"
ok ok! i decide to do one post, to publish ALL pics of my classmates.
just for them. thats all. ok ok, few of my school mates as well. MAYBE :P
i tau, ashli dgn adam mesti nk i promote diorg jugak kt blog i.
MANA TAU KLU tiba2 ada org jatuh hati and mintak nombor korg. haha
well thats it for 20/07/09.
another wonderful day at school.
memorable. i've realise that my life has been very cheery when i started school.
and when i'm not WITH YOU.
yes, i'm talking to you.
and guess what? i miss you SOOO much.
but i'm not gonna cry about you anymore. i cant, i won't, heh why should i?
goodbye, till another post,
mummyrazzi FASYA :)
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.