i just love quotes :3
ok ok, i have promise loads of time to post tons of pics and updating my blog with tons of current news about what is revolving around me and my school.
to my fellow classmates, sorry for being lazy and busy these days.
ofcourse, you know how tiring we have been. [ R&D, work,work,work, PFFT ]
so basically i don't need to elaborate on that.
on to MAIN EVENT! :D
take a DEEP breath ppl! cause this might be VERY LONG.
20th July 2009
[ i know, terlalu lama sgt -_-" ]
i had a public speaking competition.
how was it?
but i didn't won.
haha yes, you must be wondering why i said that way.
because i didn't join that competition to win la :)
all i know i had SOOO MUCH FUN.
meet my new friend up there, nurul :)
*take DEEP breath*
so my school should have sent two ppl for the competition, one is for malay speech and one is for english. i took the english. but for the malay representer, NADA.
so i had to go alone. NOT ONLY THAT, pn shirin [ my teacher who should have sent me ] forgot about the competition. i don't blame her :)
so pn chee was kind enough to sent me off but she didn't wait with me -_-"
thats when nurul came to the rescue! :D
she was kind enough to say hi to me, and so blossom a beautiful friendship. haha
i found out that she was crazy about anime as i am, so the whole time we talked in japanese. haha XD
thats me! credits to nurul :)
whoa, it reminds me of my cousin nurul mahfuzah -_-"
apa dah jadi dgn minah tu skrg *berangan* SNAP!
whoa! xleh berangan, tgh wat post la -_-"
the girl who won for the malay pidato category.
heh, who would have tot i took the pic of the right person. ish kebetulan yg hebat :D
bukan nya apa, time tu tgkp gmbr sorg je pidato. and tgkp secara random plak tu.
x sgka org yg i tgkp tu, dier menang in the end.
haha, ok ok BABBLE-ING -___-"
the judges for the pidato category. i didn't took pic of judges for the public speaking category. MY BAD :
one of the hall at Pejabat Daerah Petaling.
these are just few of the students who participates with their teachers.
huhu, i was all alone with no representative teacher :(
xpe xpe, i ada nurul kan? :D
haha XD
budak ni comel sgt :)
seriously. especially when she speaks in malay :D
ps; i'm not lesbian. yet haha XD
begku(theleftone) and beg nurul(right)
haha tgh boring XD
haha its true, " comedy is simply a way of being serious" :)
i dont mind if i have to relive that day again :)
unknown guy:"hey you from smkssaas ek?"
me: yeah?
unknown guy: i'm ruban, you're from science stream?
me: yeah, how did you know? *raise eyebrow*
ruban: karthiyainee told me. she's my neighbour.
me: seriously???!! OMG! haha what a coincidinky :D
haha that just adds up my happiness for that day :)
not to mention farhah sending me all these funny msgs XD
thx for building my spirit up babe :D
did i mention i like ruban?
haha not like like.
just like because he was VERY GOOD when he did his public speaking. so awesome :)
congrats on getting second place :)
so on to the second episode of 20/07/09 ;)
fasya :)
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.