not only that, fazra is 'torturing' me by giving the longest TAG thats ever DONE before.
well i don't know whether it is the longest i've ever done before cause i have done this one tag which soooo long too... ok BABBLE-ing -___-"
anyway i'm gonna tag NUHA. haha sorry nuha, saje nk menjadi 'evil' mlm ni :D
oh oh! since zaki is having a holiday as well, yeah i'm tagging you.
edited : NISA, you're gonna have to do this too. oh and ASH aka syikin, YOU TOO :P
denda klu x buat, haha XD
and the rest of you who has the guts to do this tag. DO YOU?
heh, i smell CHICKENS. haha :D
and to fazra, I SOOOOO LOVE YOU hahah
seriously, I DO :P
here i go *taking a DEEP BREATH*
Tentang anda
1. Name ?
- Farah Syafiqah Bt Ibrahim
2. Nickname
- Fasya, Baby, Alang, Andy? etc
3. Age ?
-still 17 :)
4. Where do you live?
- *oh you duk kt cheras eh fazra!* ops, um shah alam.
5. Hobby ?
- music and dancing :)
6. Hair colour ?
- blacky wackey
7. Eye colour ?
- dark blue-ish, so he said :)
8. Drink?
- i do drink H20 haha but no alcohol pls :)
oh and carbonate -__-"
9. Smoke?
- nope
10. Done Drugs?
- never before, and never will.
11. Virgin?
- yes.
12. Favourite Drink?
- chocolate whipped cream, from secret recipe :9
seriously mengidam seyh :(
13. Favourite Food?
- sushi, or chessy 8D
14. Favourite Cigarettes/Cigars?
- nada
15. Whats your favourite number?
- numero uno
16. Favourite radio station?
- hitz.fm and fly.fm
17. Favorite fast food restaurant?
- burger king 8D oh and mcd ofcourse ;)
18. Favourite fancy restaurant?
- i miss that steakhouse at sungai petani. god i dunno how to spell it -_-"
oh and ye ol' smokehouse at cameron highland :3
19. Favourite subject in school?
- english -_-"
20. Favourite band ?
- paramore, linkin park, hey monday, fall out boys etc :)
21. Favourite singer?
- britney spears, ciara, misha omar, anuar zain and etc
22. Favourite actress/actresses ?
- channing tatum!!! anne hathaway,emma watson,scarlet johansson and u gun :)
23. What is your shoe size?
- 5 or 4. depends
24. What is your favorite book?
- the confessions of an amnesiac teenager, lol
25. Are you a morning person or a night person?
- neither -__-"
no i x tiru you fazra :P
26. Favourite word
- SENGEEEET haha :D kan kan guys? aww i love my classmates :3
27. Biggest fears?
- Allah. and thunder -_-"
28. Biggest weaknesses?
- emotional and boys with cute smiles? haha :D
29. Bad habit
- lazy -_-"
30. Current mood ?
- *jumping up and down* haha :D
Crap things
31. Are you gay/bi/lesbian?
- gayBian haha :D
32. Party or the Beach?
- party ;)
33. Coke/pepsi ?
- vanilla coke leh? :)
ice lemon tea, EVEN BETTER :)
34. Doggies or Kitties?
- kitties! and teddy bears :3
35. Shorts or Pants?
- skirts? haha :D
36. T-Shirts or Long Sleeved?
- depends :)
37. House or Apartment?
- me too me too! i want condo :D
38. YM or MSN?
- i don't use msn anymore :)
39. Lions or Tigers?
- cheetah ;)
40. Hairspray or Gel?
- no thx? :)
41. Bath or Shower?
- bath is relaxing :)
42. Shoes or Flip Flops?
- sandals :)
43. Lipstick or Lipgloss?
- lipgloss :)
44. Pancakes or Waffles?
- chocolate with peanut butter waffles! :D
45. Chris Brown or Usher?
- Mario haha :D
46. Pitbull or Daddy Yankee?
- pitbull hands down :D
47. Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise ?
- channing tatum boleh? :)
48. Salt or pepper ?
- spice 8D haha
49. McDonald's or Burger King?
- i already said that above -_-"
50. CSI or Law and Order?
- CSI man!
51. Battleship or Monopoly?
- monopoly! :D
52. Will Farrell or Adam Sandler?
- adam sandler, i like when i saw the '50 First Dates'
53. Red or blue?
- blue :)
54. Apple juice or Orange juice?
- apple
55. Love or Lust?
- love
56. When's the last time you had a headache?
- now -_-"
57. How do you feel right now?
- scared and sleepy -_-"
58. Does anyone call you baby?
- a'ha :)
59. Would you ever get a tattoo?
- fake tattoos! haha :D not
60. What's the first thing you thought of this morning?
- why it has to be sunday -_-"
61. What's something you really want right now?
- more time, seriously
62. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
- closed
63. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
- do what your mama force ya to do XD
64. Do you have freckles?
- just like omma :)
65. Do you always smile for pictures?
- sometimes -_-"
farhah said i don't smile enough 0_o, and when i do i look like i am force. DUH lol
66. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
- no 0_o
67. What size is your bed?
- single
68. What is your Song of the week?
- Never Ever - Ciara
69. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
- they look cute actually, if they know how to WEAR IT.
70. Do you still watch cartoons?
- i do i do! i love fairly odd parents! and teen titans! and spongebob!
and loads more :D
71. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
- eww no, i'm too expensive for that :)
72. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
- ice-creams! haha XD omelette du fromage :)
73. What is your usual bedtime?
- HA-HA :D
74. Are you lazy?
- did i just said that, oh yeah, i did. CHECK ABOVE LA -_-"
75. What is your Chinese astrological sign?
- actually i never really know -_-"
76. Are you stubborn?
- they said i am :)
and they said THATS GOOD :D
77. Afraid of heights?
- YES I DO -__-"
god, you remind me about genting highland, solero shots. GOD -__-"
78. Can you curl your tongue?
- izzat can, NOT ME -_-"
79. Can you swim well?
- a'ha :D
80. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
- a'ha :D
81. Are you patient?
- all i know, i don't want to be a teacher -_-" well, international primary school. PFFT
82. DJ or band, at a wedding?
- actually, mama said that if one of us gets married, other siblings will sing and play instruments on our own, so we don't need to pay for bands of dj.
because we're just TOO GOOD ANOUGH :D
83. What is your favorite lyric?
- omg omg, there's alot. gosh -_-"
" live with the side effects "
oh oh "i wish you luck, and i wish it true, thats the best i can do for you. cause you're probably find love, in someone new oo, i have to let go, yeah its hard to do oo"
love david choi :)
84. Are you a fast or slow typer?
- too fast.
85. What is your most viewed website?
- it says here that i viewed youtube.com more that i visit my blog -_-"
86. Do you hate anyone?
- i don't HATE people honey :)
87. Does anyone hate you?
- ah, thats life :)
88. Do you like to get drunk?
- i like to fake drunk, cause it will freakout farhah XD
89. Do you like the color black more than most colors?
- uhmmm, no comment -__-"
90. Your thoughts on our president........?
- *hachuu* oh sorry, i'm allergic to bullshits. OH! i mean politics
*angel face* :)
91. Would you rather travel to Europe or Australia?
- both is fine by me :D
92. Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?
- both is fine, but i do want to do scuba diving someday :)
93. Would you rather take a vacation to the ocean or a lake?
- the lake isle of innisfree. THAT PLACE :)
94. What's better, the last day of school or your birthday?
- last day of school haha :D
95. Would you skydive for $400?
- oh man! to even get the chance to do skydiving is enough for me! but yeah, sure, rezeki x baik ditolak, oh i mean money. haha XD
96. What's worse: a headache or a stomach ache?
- if its aching, then its already bad as it is -_-"
97. What's worse: a dentist appointment or a doctor's appointment?
- doctor or dentist appointment cannot defeat the worse nerve case i have when going through a piano exam.
let me explain, they put you in this fancy hotel room. usually at blue wave hotel.
and the examiner, will ask you to come in and you sit in front of the piano for like 20 minutes doing nothing. waiting and waiting for the examiner to say something.
and once you're done playing, they'll write something silently. and you have to wait more.
seriously, FREAKY OKEY? -_____-"
98. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
- i'm ok :9 haha
99. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
- where's my hp -_-"
100. What were you doing at 5pm yesterday?
- finishing persona 4, AND I DID! :D
101. Would you rather take a bus or a taxi?
- which one i get faster, hahah. taxi klu call LAMBAT KOT -_-"
102. Would you shave your head for $500?
- sure, haha
103. If you could have any car, what would you have?
- lamborghini/ ferrari XD, oh besarnya impian :D
104. Would you rather go back to 1985 or forward to 2025?
- 1985 :)
105. Are you sitting still right now?
- no, sakit kaki la :(
106. What's cuter: a puppy or a kitten?
- what kind of puppy :)
107. The traffic light turns yellow. Do you accelerate or slow down?
- real life? dunno, but grand theft auto? hell accelerate babeh :D haha
108. Batman or Superman?
- BATMAN :), he's cool kot ;)
109. What's your most embarassing moment?
- tripping and hitting my head at the wall, oh wait i do that everyday -_-"
110. What's worse: spiders or snakes?
- coakroches -__-"
111. When was the last time you cried?
- last wednesday, tini tau kan? :)
shhh :P
112. Can you use chopsticks properly?
- em, japanese :9
113. When was the last time you had to run?
- um um, pass? damn, amnesia again -_-"
114. What did you do today?
- um, tv, tv... um.. tv.. oh piano. and guitar... and tv again. oh FOOOD. and tv.. and tv plus now here -_-" whoa
you're doomed fasya, ESOK EXAM LA
115. Who is your most hated teacher?
- i told you, i DON'T hate. the subjects just hate me LOL
116. TV or Internet?
- i can live without tv, and sometimes i rarely use internet, but i cannot live without games 8D
117. Could you live without a TV?
118. Could you live without the Internet?
- DUDEEEE, urrgh, no wonder these tag is long, it had repeated QUESTIONS!
119. Do you have a Myspace?
- ok, yes
120. Do you have a Facebook?
- um, ok yes?
121. What's the first thing you do when you go online?
- email and youtube
122. What's your favorite website?
- youtube
123. What browser do you use? (IE, Firefox, etc.)
- ie
124. What's your favorite bone in the human body?
- um.. pass? lol
125. Would you rather win Survivor or American Idol?
- american idol LOL
126. Where would you rather live: Africa or India?
- whoa, non above! LONDON!
127. Pirates or ninjas?
- personas haha XD
ninjas!! ok
128. Vampires or werewolves?
- um um puppy? haha XD
129. What was the last thing you ate?
- i love kerang :3
130. Did you answer all of these honestly?
- TOO HONEST i suppose
Have you ever......
131. Made someone cry?
- humans make mistakes, its natural
132. Been online for more than 10 hours in a row?
- yeah, i did that loads of times.
133. Been caught cheating?
- i don't cheat.
134. Have you ever got into trouble with the law?
- my bad, LOL
135. Have you ever fallen for your bff?
- ah, the old days. haha
136. Have you ever felt alone?
- ah, is it TOO obvious? sorry :)
137. Have you ever had braces?
- waaaaa, i will :'(
138. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Did you win?
- yes, and i did. sometimes. LOL
139. Have you ever been to West Virginia?
- and where is that? lol
140. Have you ever drank spoiled milk?
- i didn't know!!
141. Have you ever broken a bone?
- hemmm pass
142. Ever watch soap operas?
- i really wanna know how is soap operas goes -_-"
143. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
- hah, thats me :)
145. Ever take dance lessons?
- i wish -_-"
146. Ever won a spelling bee?
- never been in one
147. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- yes yes! :D i miss that moments :(
148. Ever been in love?
- yes
149. Ever have plastic surgery?
- never
150. Wet your pants?
-i was a kid -_-"
151. Coughed so hard you hurt your back?
- i do that sometimes.
152. Dated someone shorter than you?
- no.
153. Had a nightmare about drowning?
- GOD, so you know?
154. Snuck out?
- ops :P
155.Cheated on a bf/gf?
- never.
156. Killed someone?
- not yet, haha
157. Hated someone but loved them at the same time?
- ah, not someone, i hate the feeling i had for them.
oh ok, maybe i dislike. but not hate. love TOO MUCH i suppose
158. Tried killing yourself?
- ashli, we had our times kan? :)
160. Regret anything?
- to live life, we have to move on. SO MOVE ON YOU ***** haha :D
161. Done something stupid?
- we all do tht :)
162. Thought someone crying was funny?
- farhah haha XD
163. Wanted someone to die?
- whoa, stop tapping into my mind haha :D
164. Cried over something dumb?
- i cried because the water was out -_-"
xleh mandi oh!
165. Been in a fight?
- again, this is a repeated question la -_-"
166. Been dumped?
- ok yes
167. Missed somone?
- very very
168. Talked on the phone for 3 hours straight?
- ah, the old days.
169. Been to hospital?
- heh, so?
170. Been kicked out of school?
- haha, i'm not that bad. LOL
171. Have you ever done something bad and you still havent told your parents?
- parents parents la. my life, MY LIFE LA :D
172. Have you ever broke someone's heart ?
- have i? ops, MY BAD. haha
173. Have you ever done something a long time ago and just now regret it
- nope, i don't remember. so how cld i regret?
174. Cried yourself to sleep
- haih..
175. Fallen down the stairs
- three times -_-"
176. Ignored someone till they stopped talking to you for good
- a'ha :D
177. Met someone who changed your life
- i agree with fazra, alot of people has changed my life.
but if someone that has make the most biggest change, YES I HAVE.
178. Broke up with someone to be with someone else
- nope
179. Told someone you were single and you really werent
- nope
180. Flirt with people on chat lines while you are with someone
- nope
181. How many friends do you have?
- too many :D
182. How many best friends do you have?
183. Do you trust your friends?
- yeah ok.
184. If so, who?
- her,him,her,them? lol
185. Are any of your friends straight?
- WHOA, straight is not the word for them, haha XD
186. Are any of your friends Bi?
- oh are you talking about her? bahahaha XD
187. Do you tell your friends your secrets?
- depends.
188. Who's the most hyper?
- no one can defeat me! :D
189. Funniest?
- i have a list
190. Shyest?
- gjie -_-" haha
191. Sweetest?
-i have a list
192. Smartest?
- will.i.am! :D
193. Weirdest?
- ask them, and they'll definitely say me :)
194. Most gothic?
- gothic is sooo last season
195. Loudest?
- me!! :D
196. Quietest?
- karthi -_-"
197.Who's your longest, known friend?
- farhah! :D
198. How many years?
- 8 years kan? or is it more -_-"
199. The best memory with your friends?
- too many :D
200.How much do you love your best friends?
- too much that cannot be count.
201. Love is....
- a gamble.
202. Do you like someone?
- umm maybe?
203.Do you show him or her that you like them?
- do i still show? ntah.
204. Do you LOVE someone?
- i love everybody! :D
205. When was the last time you were in love?
- last year?
206. Do you still think about him/her?
- i do. as friends.
207. Did you guys ever go to the next level?
- whats the next level?
208. When do you mostly think about him/her?
- um, dunno?
209. How long do your relationships usually last?
- i only had two relationship, and one was about 3 years, and another was about 6 months. i think -_-" i forgot.
210. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?
- too many XD
211. What do you look for in a guy/girl?
- honesty. thats all
212. Do your parents care if you have a partner?
- yeah, but not that much.
213. Do you love to flirt?
- not as much as being sarcastic :D
214. How tall should your partner be?
- taller :)
215. What hair colour should they have?
- just the way they are :)
216.What kind of personality should they have?
- they would talk yet listen. cmon, love is all about give and take.
217.Older or younger?
- Older.
218. Serious or carefree?
- seriously carefree :) and responsible
219. Spontainous or hesitant?
- hesistantly spontaneous.
220. Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
- whoa, check above. honest is important to me. but brutal x payah la :)
221. Beautiful/handsome or intelligent?
- he's intelligent, thats a gift for me, if he's intelligent AND handsome, thats a BONUS for me 8D
222. Should they make all the money?
- your money is my money, my money is MY MONEY :D
223. Do they need to cook?
- thats another bonus :D
224. What is their best body part?
- eyes and smiles honey :3
225. Desk job or physical labour?
- hemmm whatever makes them happy :)
226. What car should they drive?
- um, any car that they want? :)
227. Who is your first love?
- dia.
228. Do you have kids with this person?
- i have ira! :D but not with anybody at all -_-"
229. Did you kiss?
- i do muaax! i miss farhah :(
230. Are you still in love?
- maybe?
231. Do you still talk to him/her?
- sometimes.
232. How long did it last?
- refer above.
233. How do you feel about the relationship
- um, pass?
234. Are you still involved with each other
- no comment.
235. When is the last time you saw him/her?
- ntah.
236. How old was he/she
- older than me.
237. Would you date him again
- hemmm ntah :)
238. was this boring
- oh you got that right.
239. did it bring back memories
- some.
240. Last kiss
- aini :)
241. Last person that broke your heart
- ah, that person. don't get me started -_-"
242. Do you have someone that you can spend the rest of your life with?
- ask me in 3 years time :D
243. are u in a relationship right now an if so are you happy
- not in relationship. and i am happy :)
244. are u currently hiding feelings about someone ?
- so so
245. have u ever cheated on your partner?
- i'm too good for that. heh, YOU'RE NOT
246. have you ever kissed someone for the first time and almost fainted?
- umm..
247. have you ever loved 2 people at once?
- haha been there done that
248. ever had that butterfly feeling in your stomach?
- i miss that feeling :)
249. do you get tired of these questions(trick)?
- thankyou for understanding :)
250. is this the last question you'll answer?
- let me check. yeah IT SEEM. pfft.
i survived!! *checking pulse*
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Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.