i'm not happy right now.
thats all i've got to say.
lets move on to what i want to post. in hope this post will ease my anger and sorrow.
heh i HOPE.
last sunday, 260709
my cuzzie sms-ed me and called me asking me if i can go out and go karaoke-ing with them.
they gave me 1 hour to get ready, whoa.
for a normal sassy girl, THATS NOT ENOUGH lol.
at first i tot, we're going to cineleisure the place that i first had a karaoke sessions with my cuzzies.
suddenly we went up the stairs and went into RED BOX.
i'm like, whoa! are we sure tht we're going to the rite place, i tot we're going to that old place, well not that old. its just that its been ages since i've been there.
guess what?
my first movie, i went with jojot and abg cepoi.
my first karaoke box, with jojot and abg cepoi as well.
my first trip without parents to genting highland, with jojot and abg and the rest of cuzzies ( good times :( )
there were alot more.
but this time, my first ever going to REDBOX, karaoke-ing at REDBOX, eating at REDBOX ( how many times shud i emphasize on that REDBOX ) haha
its with abgcepoi as well, jojot and kak jijah.
ignore the face, i know. i look like a ghost -_-"
3 hours.
3 hours of fun. it seems not enough.
AND I'M SO SORRRRRY that farah bolot semua last skali 0,0
next time, everything is on me. i swear :)
unfortunately my camera's battery was running low and it didn't have much space left in the memory -_-"
bad timing LOR
but we did get to record some videos.
and the FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! O M G!
i swear, i ate alot, TOO MUCh -__-"
urgh, a picture says a thousand words right? ok so enjoy ;)
thats kak jijah! and thats abg cepoi! and thats my baby jojo! :D
i love them SOOOO much :D
look at all the food T,T
the food was included. that means, pay per head, eat ALL YOU WANT :D
and no, we're not that DAMN RICH, pfft some people :
oyster 8D
they have sushi!!! XD
sila lah gelak, saya pun gelak :D
sehingga menghirup oyster :9 haha
everything is serve ;)
jojot x sabar nk mkn -_-"
ye ar, mknn dh tersedia, tpi x mkn2 sebab x abeh2 tgkp gmbr. haha XD
sambil mkn, sambil menyanyi lagu Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
yes jojot, i remember XD
sepatutnya gmbr ni kene sensored -_-"
not appropriate for youngsters haha
fazra, JGN TIRU XD
yes, i was wondering the same thing.
are we here to eat or to karaoke? -_-"
either way, i'm still loving it :D haha
it should have been censored, it should have been censored -_-"
my jojot :) ish3 haha :D
this is abg cepoi :)
he was singing Munkin by Anuar Zain
my fav song :)
abg nyanyi, boleh thn la -_-"
ps; for certain reasons, i'm going to post photos and videos separately.
sorry for any unconvinience.
feeling much? 0_o
whoa, siapa laki handsome tu? hahah XD
actually, i wasn't singing that time. POSING JE LEBIH XD
ye, pasangan burung cinta. haha XD
sempat berposing smbil nyanyi.
it looks as if kakjijah was eating the mic -_-"
moving on! XD
pitching lari ar abg. haha XD
she's awesome :)
aww, she's cute isn't she?
kawa ie ne? :3
sayang kamu! ;)
she's trying to find more songs to sing XD
we agreed we look cute in this :D
hey! we always look cute ;) haha
again, posing je. x nyanyi pun :P
gelap tul kt REDBOX -_-"
hah! baru terang :D lol
senget XD
aku tgh feeling kt tepi tu, korg posing bangat XD
love :)
ko meneran ape tu fasya 0,o
ok, this pic definitely shud have sensored -____-"
jojot tgk ape tu? x kenyang2 lagi ke?? -__-"
love them till the day i die :)
everybody is already tired but not me! :D
don't ask, i don't know what i was doing as well -_-"
nyibuk tul kepala laki tu -__-"
x mengapa, aku terlalu gembira time tu utk memikir ttg kepala org. haha XD
that sounds so wrong XD
posing skit, ape salah nye :)
oh and that light up there is awesome! it changes colours 8D
haha sah aku jakun -___-"
see, told cha it changes colours :D
hah kau! sebesar-besarnyer REDBOX nyer tanda lol
we're awesome :)
peace, NO WAR
ni lah akibatnya org yang x pandai guna mekap gatal tgn gune mekap -_-"
here's a close up
hah kau, dari ada eyebrow hitam, terus jadi purple eyebrow -__-"
ada2 je la abg cepoi :)
jojot pakai lipgloss??? OMG haha
mcm angelina jolie haha XD
eh eh bukan! scarletjohansson ar ;) haha
sorry! i'm still mesmerized by jojot's lipglossy lips XD
and thats it for that day.
lets continue to next post for bloopers, funny videos of us karaoke-ing and ending of story of the day :D
till next post ( which is now )
senget Fasya :D
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.