*jgn risau. fasya masih waras lagi. LOL *
hanya org yg minat dbsk atau pernah tgk video dbsk yg akn faham kenapa fasya gelak.
kalau tak faham jugak, SUITS YOURSELF :)
having a rough week, this really boost up my giggling cells alil bit.
cell? okaaay bio much? -_-"
i'm missing the accidental couple :(
- craig david is awesome 0,0
- jojot balik esooooooooook! :D
- saya demam, tak faham2 lagi ke?
- no, i don't have a new boyfriend. and i think i don't need one to hurt me more.
- rise and fall. awesome i tell. i can't stop singing to it.
- saya x pandai menari :(
* sah kau senget malam ni fasya *
ps; " don't forget "
Labels: something to laugh about

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.