enough said. even with those words, you would understand that i am eagerly waiting to get out of this house to kick back and relax AND shout " HARRY POTTER ROCKS! " at the end of the credits regardless of what the ppl at the cinema would say.
sayang, take me away please :)

if you ask me who is the best actor in harry potter, i would go blank for a while.
if you ask me who is the best actress in harry potter, without hesitation i'd definitely say
emma watson :)
oh and who's that girl, um loony lovegood? -_-"
she's good in her role, sweet yet mysteriously creepy.

yeah she's loony ( note that her name is LUNA lovegood in harry potter )
yet she can never beat the charisma i admire in emma :D
ah, times like this, i weep cause jojot is not here to crazy talk about emma watson and harry potter movies with me.
"jojot ingat tak.... jojot tau tak..."
"farah ingat tak.... farah tau tak... "
and laugh laugh laugh :)
- " make yourself the kind of person the right man would want for a WIFE "
by tini. thx honey :)
- i'm not ready for public speaking AT ALL. damn
- trying hard to live my life, but it seems everysecond just slips away through my finger.
- i missed hello,God today :(
agak malas untuk bukak internet and tgk apakah yg saya tertinggal -_-"
- people say i'm hurting myself by waiting. but its easier said than being done isn't it?
ps; " The more i try to forget you, the more i remember you.
why can't i remember the biology notes like i remember you? 0,0 "
and idk why -_-"
MUMMYsya :)
pss; iloveyou,imissyou,icareforyou,justwishingthatsenoughforyou :)
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.