alert: TERLEBIH merapu .
FAZRA!!!!!! bersembhyg sunat syukur daku setelah melihat kamu mengepost kembali! ingat kamu sudah terjun ke laut ke tujuh sebab tension atau terbang ke udara mencari Robert! haha
klu betul yg last tu xpe la jugak. haha XD
and thx honey, totally miss you babe :)
i terkejut melihat gmbr i di blog u!
terharu terharu terharu smpi menyanyi lagu haru haru dari BIG BANG! haha
again, MERAPU -_-"
here's something to spice up the nite.
this guy is freaking AWESOME
he's not only a ventriloquist, he's a GREAT IMPERSONATOR AND * yes ppl, there's AND * a GREAT SINGER! and he's HILARIOUS!
crap! eventhough i adore Jeff Dunham, This GUY IS REALLY GOOD 8D
qoute from the video;
haha :D but still the humor can't beat jeff dunham :3
- I MISS MAKLONG's rendang :(
- so far, stpm really made me sweat all over the place.
remind me not too get involve with something TOO LATE -_-"
or i'll miss out all the details and crashing with my clueness and blurness all the way
- i'm psyched for the tomorrow's presentation but hell, i feel like i haven't done this for A LONG LOOOOOONG time -_-"
-scaling MENYAKITKANNN! arrrghh! i hope i don't have to go through that again! :(
-thankyou sooo soo much for the ppl who advice me upon my last entry :)
sungguh, i'm totally psyched for STPM NOW haha
well sort of :P
muaah!! syg kamu semua :D
yes, fazra, you especially.
- i can't stop watching every single video from either America's Got Talent or Britain's! :D
ps; " Don't Take It Personally, It's just What I do."
SYAFIQAH ????? -_-"
- I MISS MAKLONG's rendang :(
- so far, stpm really made me sweat all over the place.
remind me not too get involve with something TOO LATE -_-"
or i'll miss out all the details and crashing with my clueness and blurness all the way
- i'm psyched for the tomorrow's presentation but hell, i feel like i haven't done this for A LONG LOOOOOONG time -_-"
-scaling MENYAKITKANNN! arrrghh! i hope i don't have to go through that again! :(
-thankyou sooo soo much for the ppl who advice me upon my last entry :)
sungguh, i'm totally psyched for STPM NOW haha
well sort of :P
muaah!! syg kamu semua :D
yes, fazra, you especially.
- i can't stop watching every single video from either America's Got Talent or Britain's! :D
ps; " Don't Take It Personally, It's just What I do."
SYAFIQAH ????? -_-"
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, something to laugh about

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.