Daily Horoscope by Astrology.com | Wednesday May 6, 2009 |
You're feeling pretty frustrated over some person or concept that keeps eluding your grasp. Today is not the time to keep trying over and over -- just relax and things should shake out in a few days.
i love yahoo alerts. there are times when it doesn't really help that much, but MOST of the time, i just love it when this stuff is actually REALLLY TRUE. haha
and guess what mr smart pants?
i was thinking the same thing! i am SO not gonna do what you think i will do. going all out on you. yeah, ofcourse, you would love that would you? seeing me going berserk because of you.
can't lie that i am actually effing pissed at you but... well sorry to dissapoint you, oh wait. i don't feel sorry at all. haha i'm not gonna get all fired up because of your EXCELLENT hurtful words :)
the 1st fact you need to know: my dad is driving a left handside car.
2nd fact: the maximum limit at highway is from 130 miles per hour till 180.
by now you would understand that ppl at europe drive really fast.
yet the 3rd fact will shock you:
they drive crazily FAST.
regardless of what is the maximum limit.
for a guy who has been driving right handside car, i'm very proud of
my father, eventhough he keeps yelling in the car stressing because of the FAST cars driving.
even lorries and van honk him because he was driving too slow.
DUDE, 140 is slow?
oh and yeah, to the ppl who really loves driving so fast, try living at europe, i'm sure you'll 'ENJOY' it -_-"
- has two side;
Frankfurt am Main
* and i forgot the other frankfurt side =,= gomene *
we went to the main frankfurt or Frankfurt am Main coincidently.
did i mention that us going to all these countries are just a plan on the go? yeah, we didn't plan, we just go where we feel like. pfft for a strategic parents, they can be unpredictable -_-"
Frankfurt am Main is the largest city in the German state of Hesse and one of the busiest city in Europe. read more
ps: bukan eurocup ok? lol
Main sights/main attraction in Franfurt:
The name of the city hall means "Roman". In fact, nine houses were acquired by the city council in 1405 from a wealthy merchant family. The middle house became the town hall and was later connected with the neighbouring buildings. In the upper floor, there is the Kaisersaal ("Emperor's Hall") where the newly crowned emperors held their banquets. The Römer was partially destroyed in World War II and later rebuilt. It is located at the Römerberg (city hall square).
sun are on our side and breeze are passing by :)
* caution: underage are not allowed to see this. FASYA's monster for food side is revealing -_-" * LOL
bahaha :D
siapa photographer ni? haha * proudness tail muncul :P *
next year i want to go to vienna!!! :D
ye, sejuk2 pun makan ice-cream lagi X)
ps: by now, you should realise, my mum loves to be in the PIC. lol
mama's AIM.
kami masih lagi x layak untuk masuk store ni -_-" haha
i will, someday :)
and thats it for Frankfurt :)
-city on the banks of Moselle River
-heavily bombed and bombardedin 1944 during World War II
read more
Porta Nigra
is a large Roman Gate in Trier , Germany. It is today the largest Roman city gate north of the Alps and has been designated a World Heritage Site.
The name Porta Nigra originated in the Middle Ages due to the darkened color of its stone; the original Roman name has not been preserved. Locals commonly refer to the Porta Nigra simply as Porta.
ada org basuh tempat ni setiap hari ke?
diorg cat setiap bulan ke buildings dier?
kata oldest city, tpi mcm BARU -_-"
a German philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, communist and revolutionary credited as the founder of communism.
* kalau bdk2 sejarah, mesti masih ingat lagi pd Karl Marx ni. haha *
so nyum nyum! * singing - eat you up by boa - * :9
hahaha ok! i'm going to Hogwarts :P
eww GET A ROOM PPL! lol
no ppl, its just a cheap boot lol
and thats it for trier's and frankfurt's highlights
hope you enjoy yet another segment of my vacation episodes ;)
next stop, metz;FRANCE!
- jot, x dpt tgk he's just not that into you kt cinema pon xpe. at least kt umah boleh jerit kuat2 klu marah kt character mana2, nangis tnpa rasa malu * ini tipu! haha * and boleh pukul org tnpa kisah sapa tgk hahaha :D
kan kan? ;) yes i'm talking to you bahaha
-i'm happy, what else can i say? i have them, what more could i need? :)
ps; " Maybe you're not the good guy, Maybe you're the BAD GUY PRETENDING to be a GOOD GUY, have you ever thought of that? "
* salah ka angkat bakul sendiri skali skala? plus semlm org dh angkat bakul saya, masih x puas merasa bangga haha *
Labels: holiday

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.