i did a bad post. haha well its not bad, it was just too emoish. but it ended up in my drafts, haha.
so i'm gonna post something else, since someone insists :P
everyone know that i went vacation, well almost.
i went with my daddy,mama and izzat.
maaf along and angah. you have finals to attend to. lol
so, notetoself ppl: this is not to BRAG. kalau nak dengki pun xyah la KUTUK yang x LOGIK.
oh oh!
ABG CEPOI! nk gambar! nak gambar! kalau tak farah report kat London police apa abg buat kat tupai yang comel tu! :D
oh and don't worry, swine flu started to spread at UK 2 days before i went back. itu pun kat Scotland, so London was safe. and I am considering myself HEALTHY from swine flu. bahaha :D
but first thing first, the day before " To infinity and Beyond!! "
* seriously, ayat toy story ada kene mengena dengan post ni, read and you'll understand. OPS! i speak in malay, haha sorry if richard does not understand this! haha :D *
ps; not all of the pics i'm gonna upload, BANYAK KEJE seyh X) xde makna nye. dah ar skrg kul 4.30 pagi X)
oh and i am mad at my dad for deleting some of the pics that i took.
factaboutfasya: I HATE IT WHEN PPL DELETE THE PHOTOS i took.
unless i ask you to or i delete it myself.
the first pic i took on that day; IBRAHIM BIN ZAINUDIN aka daddy tough X)
thats RICHARD. he's the coolest guy ever! haha love talking to him.
promise me if you come back malaysia with your grandchildren, CALL ME. haha
and ofcourse, you know that specky kid, IZZAT, my abnoxious brother X) haha
budak yang xleh henti ckp psl persona masa kat sana... ughh unbearable -_-"
comel LORH. haha
so through that 12 hours and 30 minutes of FLIGHT,
I DID NOT SLEEP. haha i spent watching all movies wee!
what movie? all the ones i haven't seen.
- Bedtime Stories
- Twilight
-Lost and Found ( korean movie )
-My wife Got Married ( korean Movie )
and guess what? for movies all time favourite at MAS flight
one of them was Toy story. haha
no not the second. the FIRST :D
agak proud la dgn disney/pixar :)
:D awesome! and not only that, i had times to even make little NOTES.
and there are times at night when i couldn't sleep when i was in europe, i kinda wrote notes or journal. haha
there were many qoutes but i'll tell that more on other post.
we arrived at London Heathrow about 7 pm London, and i think it was 10 pm sumfing at Malaysia. * LIHATLAH manusia YANG RAMAI GILER INI. boleh jadi giler time tu jugak KOT! haha ok babble-ing -_-" *
but the trip does not stop there.
we had to take a taxi from London to Gatwick. and it takes about 2 hours i think, because of the jam especially.
and finally we arrived at our Travel Lodge.
we slept there for one night, and the next day at 8 am we got ready to go to Gatwick airport for our 11am flight to Cologne/Bonn Airport, Germany.
mama can't stop saying she looks pretty in this pic.
its not like she has never been pretty in any other pic or REAL LIFE, pfft! ish mama ni -_-"
with the few seconds i have left before we board our planes, i took this pic.
i mean cmon! a vending machine sure, but novel machine?!
whoa that is so awesome! :D
* caution: jakun terlepas dari zoo! haha :D *
oh yeah! i almost forgot! haha :D
in the plane from gatwick to germany,
i saw this one guy.
he looks almost exactly like this guy!
well i'm not sure if it was him, but that guy did look like him.
oh btw, this guy was an actor in maid in manhattan
and haha i just realise, he is lord you-know-who in harry potter OOTP 2007 XD
have seen it? its a great story actually.
but anyway i'm not sure if it was him anyway, that guy was with his family.
and he's daughter was so cute. haha
i even had time to play peek a boo with her. haha :D
oh yeah
factaboutfasya: SHE LOVES KIDS :D
haha i mean, who doesn't right? X)
ok maybe few of us. lol
but if it was him, i'd say he look awesomely HANDSOME in real life :3
* maaf menyimpang! miaww! haha :D *
so the flight took like i think... hem 2 and half hours?
i dunno haha, cause i kinda doze off in the plane for awhile X)
when we arrived, we went to europcar to take the keys to the car we rent.
and it kinda took us hours to find the parkinglot cause well, we're new to that airport. bahaha * inside joke*
i used to be my mama's and dad's navigator simultaneously.
but on that day, i was offcially the family navigator. haha
dad said i was the only hope X)
mama is terrible with directions. pfft you would know if you live with her -_-"
so yeah, most of the time dad wouldn't listen to me,
or mum keep re-directing him to some other road, and made us lost haha.
thats why i said, " I told You so"
so noteself ppl: LISTEN TO WHAT FASYA got to say. pfft
it tooks us about 3 or 4 hours to get to Leiwen, Germany.
dear RCI * rci is our travelling agency*
i understand your definition of holiday meaning away from home and a calm sweet country.
but it would be so nice for once if we didn't have to drove way up at mountain with zigzag road -_-"
but still the view was breathtaking that the trip was worthwhile, like my dad said :)
but it was raining that day, so i decided to took pics some other time.
i unpacked all my stuffs and my brother stuffs, since he went to sleep the minute we arrived -_-"
well i will tell what happen at germany on the next post, cause i GOTTA GO TO SLEEP -_-"
JET LAG. dah pukul 8 pagi, waduh!
everyone know that i went vacation, well almost.
i went with my daddy,mama and izzat.
maaf along and angah. you have finals to attend to. lol
so, notetoself ppl: this is not to BRAG. kalau nak dengki pun xyah la KUTUK yang x LOGIK.
oh oh!
ABG CEPOI! nk gambar! nak gambar! kalau tak farah report kat London police apa abg buat kat tupai yang comel tu! :D
oh and don't worry, swine flu started to spread at UK 2 days before i went back. itu pun kat Scotland, so London was safe. and I am considering myself HEALTHY from swine flu. bahaha :D
but first thing first, the day before " To infinity and Beyond!! "
* seriously, ayat toy story ada kene mengena dengan post ni, read and you'll understand. OPS! i speak in malay, haha sorry if richard does not understand this! haha :D *
ps; not all of the pics i'm gonna upload, BANYAK KEJE seyh X) xde makna nye. dah ar skrg kul 4.30 pagi X)
oh and i am mad at my dad for deleting some of the pics that i took.
factaboutfasya: I HATE IT WHEN PPL DELETE THE PHOTOS i took.
unless i ask you to or i delete it myself.
promise me if you come back malaysia with your grandchildren, CALL ME. haha
and ofcourse, you know that specky kid, IZZAT, my abnoxious brother X) haha
budak yang xleh henti ckp psl persona masa kat sana... ughh unbearable -_-"
so through that 12 hours and 30 minutes of FLIGHT,
I DID NOT SLEEP. haha i spent watching all movies wee!
what movie? all the ones i haven't seen.
- Bedtime Stories
- Twilight
-Lost and Found ( korean movie )
-My wife Got Married ( korean Movie )
and guess what? for movies all time favourite at MAS flight
one of them was Toy story. haha
no not the second. the FIRST :D
agak proud la dgn disney/pixar :)
:D awesome! and not only that, i had times to even make little NOTES.
and there are times at night when i couldn't sleep when i was in europe, i kinda wrote notes or journal. haha
there were many qoutes but i'll tell that more on other post.
but the trip does not stop there.
we had to take a taxi from London to Gatwick. and it takes about 2 hours i think, because of the jam especially.
and finally we arrived at our Travel Lodge.
we slept there for one night, and the next day at 8 am we got ready to go to Gatwick airport for our 11am flight to Cologne/Bonn Airport, Germany.
its not like she has never been pretty in any other pic or REAL LIFE, pfft! ish mama ni -_-"
i mean cmon! a vending machine sure, but novel machine?!
whoa that is so awesome! :D
* caution: jakun terlepas dari zoo! haha :D *
oh yeah! i almost forgot! haha :D
in the plane from gatwick to germany,
i saw this one guy.
he looks almost exactly like this guy!

oh btw, this guy was an actor in maid in manhattan
and haha i just realise, he is lord you-know-who in harry potter OOTP 2007 XD

but anyway i'm not sure if it was him anyway, that guy was with his family.
and he's daughter was so cute. haha
i even had time to play peek a boo with her. haha :D
oh yeah
factaboutfasya: SHE LOVES KIDS :D
haha i mean, who doesn't right? X)
ok maybe few of us. lol
but if it was him, i'd say he look awesomely HANDSOME in real life :3
* maaf menyimpang! miaww! haha :D *
so the flight took like i think... hem 2 and half hours?
i dunno haha, cause i kinda doze off in the plane for awhile X)
when we arrived, we went to europcar to take the keys to the car we rent.
and it kinda took us hours to find the parkinglot cause well, we're new to that airport. bahaha * inside joke*
i used to be my mama's and dad's navigator simultaneously.
but on that day, i was offcially the family navigator. haha
dad said i was the only hope X)
mama is terrible with directions. pfft you would know if you live with her -_-"
so yeah, most of the time dad wouldn't listen to me,
or mum keep re-directing him to some other road, and made us lost haha.
thats why i said, " I told You so"
so noteself ppl: LISTEN TO WHAT FASYA got to say. pfft
it tooks us about 3 or 4 hours to get to Leiwen, Germany.
dear RCI * rci is our travelling agency*
i understand your definition of holiday meaning away from home and a calm sweet country.
but it would be so nice for once if we didn't have to drove way up at mountain with zigzag road -_-"
but still the view was breathtaking that the trip was worthwhile, like my dad said :)
but it was raining that day, so i decided to took pics some other time.
i unpacked all my stuffs and my brother stuffs, since he went to sleep the minute we arrived -_-"
well i will tell what happen at germany on the next post, cause i GOTTA GO TO SLEEP -_-"
JET LAG. dah pukul 8 pagi, waduh!
Labels: holiday

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.