i'm sad. END OF STORY.
ok no, not end of story.
JOJOT, Don't cry or sad when you read this.
but i definitely effingly almost going to cry now. haha
you said i'm emotional rite? especially in this kind of state. so i'm gonna stop blabbering.
straight to the point, so that i won't cry.
* farah ni pelakon yg hebat. kau tgh dengar lagu bapak punya sedih, xkn nangis konon. pffft pukul buntot plss! haha *
i definitely gonna MISS you. like hell ALOT.
but i wish you farewell my dear, good luck. and never stop believing in yourself.
at least believe in me. for i believe in you, and you can do it.
whatever happens, ups or downs, i still love you and i'll be the one you'll be kissing and hugging at the end of the day. haha * titik sudah jatuh*

in every meets, there will always be goodbye.
and there are times goodbye are forever.
i'm saying this for the people who have felt and been through what i've been through.
and i'm going through it again. and again. and again. haha
my point is that... i'm not strong. yet i'm not weak.
eventhough this is not new to me, the pain never stop there.
but to know that you realise how much i love you, thats enough to make me smile.
so, please. Ilove you :')
and i'm hoping to see you again. pretty please? xoxo
take care dear
" i will not have any other person in this world to get sexy about britney spears except you jojot. haha oh and kakya. haha
huh "
Farah Syafiqah
JOJOT, Don't cry or sad when you read this.
but i definitely effingly almost going to cry now. haha
you said i'm emotional rite? especially in this kind of state. so i'm gonna stop blabbering.
straight to the point, so that i won't cry.
* farah ni pelakon yg hebat. kau tgh dengar lagu bapak punya sedih, xkn nangis konon. pffft pukul buntot plss! haha *
i definitely gonna MISS you. like hell ALOT.
but i wish you farewell my dear, good luck. and never stop believing in yourself.
at least believe in me. for i believe in you, and you can do it.
whatever happens, ups or downs, i still love you and i'll be the one you'll be kissing and hugging at the end of the day. haha * titik sudah jatuh*
in every meets, there will always be goodbye.
and there are times goodbye are forever.
i'm saying this for the people who have felt and been through what i've been through.
and i'm going through it again. and again. and again. haha
my point is that... i'm not strong. yet i'm not weak.
eventhough this is not new to me, the pain never stop there.
but to know that you realise how much i love you, thats enough to make me smile.
so, please. Ilove you :')
and i'm hoping to see you again. pretty please? xoxo
take care dear
" i will not have any other person in this world to get sexy about britney spears except you jojot. haha oh and kakya. haha
huh "
Farah Syafiqah

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.