Don't you just hate it when life has thrown
you into some mud pit and you're already dirty enough, suddenly raining garbage came along, and you're already sink deeply inside some massive stinky muddy black hole which not only makes you sick,uncomfortable, you can't even breathe AT all?lol what a massive imagination -_-"
well you get my point, some people may have other metaphors that could possibly sum or symbolises the stinky shit they're going through.
trust me. that stinky metaphor up there, its not even the half of what i am absolutely going through.
funny facts that i actually started out writing a freaking crazy fun post, it ended up being deleted and rewrote into some kind of EMOISH post.
oh i know what everybody is thinking.
" awh men! not again! another bullshitty emo post from EMOFASYA. what crap is she going to write now?! "
okay maybe you won't say it like THAT.
pfft what the hell am i babble-ing?
well notetoself;
' I TOLD YOU SO. heh! but You didn't listen to me. Now you pay the price.
merana la kau dengan perasaan sengsara kau sorg2. xde orang heran!
kau ingat diorg tahu ke? diorg x KISAH LANGSUNG AR. Kau menangis air mata darah pun, kau ingat DIORG TGK MUKA KAU AND SEDAR?
habuk. itu yang kau dapat. faham? nak marah? PERGI LA. nk rasa sakit hati? silakan. nak menangis? nak bunuh diri? SATU BENDE JE LA AKU NK CKP,
and ain't nobody is effing care about you. '
merana la kau dengan perasaan sengsara kau sorg2. xde orang heran!
kau ingat diorg tahu ke? diorg x KISAH LANGSUNG AR. Kau menangis air mata darah pun, kau ingat DIORG TGK MUKA KAU AND SEDAR?
habuk. itu yang kau dapat. faham? nak marah? PERGI LA. nk rasa sakit hati? silakan. nak menangis? nak bunuh diri? SATU BENDE JE LA AKU NK CKP,
and ain't nobody is effing care about you. '
ps; this is not a pissed off or shoutout post
its just some releasing stress post X|
its just some releasing stress post X|
perfect! not only am i talking to myself, i am blurting it all out in MY FREAKING BLOG. one question; am i going to make a fool of myself as well?
ok sudah sudah. end of pathetic emoish post.
i want to give a laughing head of post to the ppl whos having a rough shitty time like me.
i want to give a laughing head of post to the ppl whos having a rough shitty time like me.
are you currently going through gazillions emotions rite now?
are you stress about something?
well stop all your music and fruts and worries.
let us take a DEEEEEP breaaathe * buat ar sengal. haha *
i know some of us didn't do it :P
and watch this video.
let it load first, cause it wouldn't be completely perfect if it went all stuckity stuck :)
blank all thoughts and your mind.
sit back,relax.... and enjoy ;)
-i got this video from my brother last two years ago.
i've laughed my head off almost for 2 months but then i kinda pre-occupied and forgot.
couple of weeks ago, ghazree showed to me again.
and i found myself laughing at it, AGAIN :)
ps; " nothing beats an old traditional medicational method.
are you stress about something?
well stop all your music and fruts and worries.
let us take a DEEEEEP breaaathe * buat ar sengal. haha *
i know some of us didn't do it :P
and watch this video.
let it load first, cause it wouldn't be completely perfect if it went all stuckity stuck :)
blank all thoughts and your mind.
sit back,relax.... and enjoy ;)
-i got this video from my brother last two years ago.
i've laughed my head off almost for 2 months but then i kinda pre-occupied and forgot.
couple of weeks ago, ghazree showed to me again.
and i found myself laughing at it, AGAIN :)
ps; " nothing beats an old traditional medicational method.
~thegirlwhoisemotionallyunbalance X)
Labels: something to laugh about

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.