SHOUT OUT TO ATOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! hah amek ko :P
ps; eh eh! jgn berhenti baca kwn2! the intro might be about atok busuk *bahaha!*
but i definitely recommend you play the video that i post here! :D
you know, we've been promising each other loads and loads of stuff.
we even made nonsense BIG jokes towards each other about it.
well... let me tell you something..
shh, come closer. and read this slowly and anxiously my dearest friend...
eh eh! not too close, atok ni.. masih dgn ke-atok-an nyer :P
on 9th of April, ( that is last thursday )
somebody called me. and that same person also knocked infront of my door.
he'd also brought his cousins along with him.
* mcm dh beribu thn aku x jumpa budak ni KOT :D *
why did he came? he was bored and he wanted to release stress by playing piano.
i was thankful that somebody actually thought of me when they were bored, or my piano, either way, lol
well, straight to the point, i wanna make this crystal clear and trying hard enough not to make you jealous atok :) * this is a lie bahaha*
translation; he came :P
haha, jahat nyer aku ni -_-"
jgn marah atok ;)
ye ar, fasya sedih ar gak kan, nape miyo x bwk satu bas dtg umah fasya
* KAU gila?? nk masuk kan 3 kereta pun tak muat, ni apatah lagi SATU BAS O,O *
fasya ada tanya jugak kt miyo, npe x bwk atok. SEE!!! we still think about you, you know? see how we love YOU SOOOO MUCH? :)
well, don't wanna yapping anymore.
continue watching these videos.
- i've never really had a group of people that could or want to sing with me while i play my piano.
most of the time, its just me with the piano or
me,one person and a piano.
but after last Thursday, i've never felt anything like this before.
i've come to TWO simple conclusions;
" Even after few times i've failed my test for piano and sometimes there are few songs i couldn't put myself into it to play, I never really did give up on it. strangely, I keep on trying until i get it right. not in loads of thing i would do that. but Music never fails me. and that's that"
" To feel the rush and the moving of my hand over one by one of the piano notes, listening to the sounds it produce, I produce, while singing and having someone to sing along WITH me, that's when i know, I'm NOT ALONE. "
well i was never alone anyway :P
i think -_-"
ye atok, masih lagi dgn korek hidung dier tu.
sila2 la bersediakan diri anda kerana byk lagi scene itu akn berlaku -_-"
suddenly miyo suggested we play and sing this i promise you
for the second time for REAL and serious.
but apparently, when miyo are around, NOBODY can be serious. haha
and thats just the way i like it :)
well we did our best.
hope you enjoyed this :)
the real question now is that...
when will you be in one of my videos ?
what about you? :)
-miyo!!! thankyou sooo sooo mucho for coming.
you really made my day :)
and mira and...siapa ek nama sorg agi? haha
and i hope that we will do that someday again.
and again and again. haha :D
DON'T forget me my dear friend :)
ps;" I MISS YOU. "
ps; eh eh! jgn berhenti baca kwn2! the intro might be about atok busuk *bahaha!*
but i definitely recommend you play the video that i post here! :D
you know, we've been promising each other loads and loads of stuff.
we even made nonsense BIG jokes towards each other about it.
well... let me tell you something..
shh, come closer. and read this slowly and anxiously my dearest friend...
eh eh! not too close, atok ni.. masih dgn ke-atok-an nyer :P
on 9th of April, ( that is last thursday )
somebody called me. and that same person also knocked infront of my door.
he'd also brought his cousins along with him.
* mcm dh beribu thn aku x jumpa budak ni KOT :D *
why did he came? he was bored and he wanted to release stress by playing piano.
i was thankful that somebody actually thought of me when they were bored, or my piano, either way, lol
well, straight to the point, i wanna make this crystal clear and trying hard enough not to make you jealous atok :) * this is a lie bahaha*
translation; he came :P
haha, jahat nyer aku ni -_-"
jgn marah atok ;)
ye ar, fasya sedih ar gak kan, nape miyo x bwk satu bas dtg umah fasya
* KAU gila?? nk masuk kan 3 kereta pun tak muat, ni apatah lagi SATU BAS O,O *
fasya ada tanya jugak kt miyo, npe x bwk atok. SEE!!! we still think about you, you know? see how we love YOU SOOOO MUCH? :)
well, don't wanna yapping anymore.
continue watching these videos.
- i've never really had a group of people that could or want to sing with me while i play my piano.
most of the time, its just me with the piano or
me,one person and a piano.
but after last Thursday, i've never felt anything like this before.
i've come to TWO simple conclusions;
" Even after few times i've failed my test for piano and sometimes there are few songs i couldn't put myself into it to play, I never really did give up on it. strangely, I keep on trying until i get it right. not in loads of thing i would do that. but Music never fails me. and that's that"
" To feel the rush and the moving of my hand over one by one of the piano notes, listening to the sounds it produce, I produce, while singing and having someone to sing along WITH me, that's when i know, I'm NOT ALONE. "
well i was never alone anyway :P
i think -_-"
ye atok, masih lagi dgn korek hidung dier tu.
sila2 la bersediakan diri anda kerana byk lagi scene itu akn berlaku -_-"
suddenly miyo suggested we play and sing this i promise you
for the second time for REAL and serious.
but apparently, when miyo are around, NOBODY can be serious. haha
and thats just the way i like it :)
well we did our best.
hope you enjoyed this :)
the real question now is that...
when will you be in one of my videos ?
what about you? :)
-miyo!!! thankyou sooo sooo mucho for coming.
you really made my day :)
and mira and...siapa ek nama sorg agi? haha
and i hope that we will do that someday again.
and again and again. haha :D
DON'T forget me my dear friend :)
ps;" I MISS YOU. "
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, happy moments, overall, songs

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.