i know i ave like one more tag to do
but i'm gonna keep that for the time being
so SORRY nuha XD
but thx again for dat taggy :D
bangga sgt2 dpt
remember how i used to post songs in every post
this might be like an ancient song
but it definitely spice up my life these days :D
haha for this post i'm gonna put an old song
but for the next post ( which i wonder when 0_0 )
i'm gonna put, probably sme song you guys haven't heard or not that famous at malaysia :D
its true, some of the guys i asked, they don't even know the band exist -_-"
oh oh! i've just found out about provoke jealousy, how awesome are them!
maybe some of smks9 and ex smks9 knows about this band. seriously, they are not that HALF BAD :D
i'll tell about them more later, back to my point
ok this is official! internet lembap pagi ni! 0,0
argh! sungguh xde mood dah jadi -_-"
never mind then..
come to think of it i ave so many things i ave to post...
um lets start with dis :D
wait! hold up! yeah! we're back on track, forget what i said just now, we're goin back to the song thingy haha
sorry mengelirukan korg X)
woot woot!
check out the lyrics
i know, i can see some CERTAIN ppl smiling, such as atok
and some may say " lame ar!!" haha XD
hey i'm still in love with linkin park, so what can i say :)
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take
how can that not get into ur head? :D
its so awesome :)
no no, pls jgn terasa sesiapa yg kt luar ni
saya x tujukan sesiapa
tanya Allah :)
saya suke lagu ni sejak saya dgr lagu ni masa saya darjah 6 :)
oh oh best part
And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you
and there's a remix of it by jay-z
i used to hate it because i never really like any remix songs
i don't even like the word remix haha
but hey, time passes by and
i'm getting more mature :)
so woot woot!
oh i love this quote
" music takde kaitan dengan muka yang comel " bak pepatah thebarboss :D
and thats another band, the vocalist of the band is my cuzin
wuawua giler promote XD
well die suruh kan so
hantam ar
and there's a remix of it by jay-z
i used to hate it because i never really like any remix songs
i don't even like the word remix haha
but hey, time passes by and
i'm getting more mature :)
so woot woot!
oh i love this quote
" music takde kaitan dengan muka yang comel " bak pepatah thebarboss :D
and thats another band, the vocalist of the band is my cuzin
wuawua giler promote XD
well die suruh kan so
hantam ar
but honestly -_-"
if they have like the good equipment and well
a much better high quality microfone i guess
it wud be so much better i guess :D
i THINK 0_0
ape alia ckp? suara mcm nk berak? haha giler mmg hit the spot ar. kesian abg DIDI -_-"
oh btw abg didi is the vocalist aka my cuzin. and alia also my cuzin.
she's just a 12 years old girl with mulut yg xde insurans. which is good
sebab dier x tipu org dan CKP BLAKANG :)
ok ini dh xde kene mengene dh -_-"
um wtv it is, u get wut i mean rite?
songs are so awesome :)
ok its like almost 3 am
i need to sleep cause tomorrow keje lagi -_-"
no its not dat i dun like working there
i just feel dat i dun gain much experience
eventhou i do gain more patiency and handle things softly with soft yet not slow speed
agak susah
cause ramai org sendiri ckp, "farah ni GANAS sgt" bahaha
betul tu XD
lemah lembut? ape tu? :D
ugh.. ok bunyi tu mcm nk mintak penyepak je dari farhah XD
wueeek!!! x takut pon :D
btw i'm gonna give some shout out sebelum i forget -_-"
thx to;
um, saya dh lupe byk agaknyer, but hantam ar -_-"
ok, skrg ni official, seluruh keluarga belah ayah saya PULAK yang tahu psl kerja saya
well ofcourse, they do tease me about it and make fun of it
but i dunno why, all i can say is dat
'the bond between me and father's side are getting stronger'
haha mesti ADE SORG tu terfikirkan sesuatu, yang bernama GAME :D
oh well :)
- two words, SPM RESULTS 0_0
-semua dh start bincang psl career hidup saya and course pilihan 0_0
- all i know dat i dun wanna be like my mum, not dat i dun respect her
its just seem dat she doesn't really enjoy her job and life rite now -_-"
i wonder and hope dat i will never be dat way
ugh kenapa aku jadi mangsa masalah kerja dia -_-"
-every words dat he said still playing in my mind 0_0
but i'm ok, life is not all about dat :)
like everyone and even i said, "its not like i'm going to get marry NOW" :)
if they have like the good equipment and well
a much better high quality microfone i guess
it wud be so much better i guess :D
i THINK 0_0
ape alia ckp? suara mcm nk berak? haha giler mmg hit the spot ar. kesian abg DIDI -_-"
oh btw abg didi is the vocalist aka my cuzin. and alia also my cuzin.
she's just a 12 years old girl with mulut yg xde insurans. which is good
sebab dier x tipu org dan CKP BLAKANG :)
ok ini dh xde kene mengene dh -_-"
um wtv it is, u get wut i mean rite?
songs are so awesome :)
MUSIC, myLife,yourLife,OURLIFE
ok its like almost 3 am
i need to sleep cause tomorrow keje lagi -_-"
no its not dat i dun like working there
i just feel dat i dun gain much experience
eventhou i do gain more patiency and handle things softly with soft yet not slow speed
agak susah
cause ramai org sendiri ckp, "farah ni GANAS sgt" bahaha
betul tu XD
lemah lembut? ape tu? :D
ugh.. ok bunyi tu mcm nk mintak penyepak je dari farhah XD
wueeek!!! x takut pon :D
btw i'm gonna give some shout out sebelum i forget -_-"
thx to;
- ira comel! anak sedara saya :) sebab sanggup dtg walaupun baru balik dri indonesia and mkn kt Nyonya Kitchen :) and nice to meet u auntie * referring to her mum* :)
- thx tini sebab lalu di depan tu, and tegur saya haha :D seriously miss u guys doe :( and what i tell ya? love your eyes, ckp nk natural :P hehe it really suits u GURL
- shahril for constantly waiting for me to finish work -_-" and teman gi takoyaki and sampai masuk kelas piano :) wee
- and i'm not forgetting u zaki, thank you for waiting dat day too.
um, saya dh lupe byk agaknyer, but hantam ar -_-"
ok, skrg ni official, seluruh keluarga belah ayah saya PULAK yang tahu psl kerja saya
well ofcourse, they do tease me about it and make fun of it
but i dunno why, all i can say is dat
'the bond between me and father's side are getting stronger'
haha mesti ADE SORG tu terfikirkan sesuatu, yang bernama GAME :D
oh well :)
- two words, SPM RESULTS 0_0
-semua dh start bincang psl career hidup saya and course pilihan 0_0
- all i know dat i dun wanna be like my mum, not dat i dun respect her
its just seem dat she doesn't really enjoy her job and life rite now -_-"
i wonder and hope dat i will never be dat way
ugh kenapa aku jadi mangsa masalah kerja dia -_-"
-every words dat he said still playing in my mind 0_0
but i'm ok, life is not all about dat :)
like everyone and even i said, "its not like i'm going to get marry NOW" :)
ps; "true love is the kind of love that stuck with you till the end of time
whether you want or not "
whether you want or not "
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, my voice

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.