rates : 85% happy and grateful, 15% sad and still hoping
haha boleh plak camtu kan? XD
thank you MAMA! for asking me to continue piano. if i didn't, none of this wudn't happen :)
"i'm closer than you think"
XD god if u knew wut i felt that moment, fyi i notice u anywhere la :)
well, reasons? too scared and dun wanna bother u guys. but instead u guys bothered me -_-" so wt heck XD
doi! doi! doI!! dOI! DOI!!! gotta pull myself together XD i'm falling too deep again 0_0
jojot says i'm in da critical zone-o XD
yey! CUZIE SLEEPOVER! :) lama x tido kt umah maklong :)
i still remember, i had to beg and plead on my knees everytime i wanted to sleep at mama's ( Panggilan maklong utk saya :) ) hse when i was around form 3 and form 4. its like a routine sleeping at mama's hse during holiday:)
since mama ( my REAL mom, haha) went to kedah, i've been given a 5 days off! wee! but still, mama still call and email document to type :( ala, xpe la, senang je. i think 0_0
i was really hoping to ave a long sleepover here but mama x bagi :(
but then again, les fab day is this friday so, no way! i'm not gonna miss dat! Na'a! X(
its official, today is one of my best day so far :)
ok ok, jgn la jot! haha
a tiny bit depressed but i'm ok :)
laughing my head off today! god! thankyou zaki shahril kakanees jojot kakya abg said abg dwan mama and last but not least ABG CEPOI :)
gi paris x ajak! XD
and i can't deny it, he is getting buffer 0_0
oh no! haha XD
ok, it proves
"best will come for those who waits"
i'm still waiting and still hoping. and i'm ok with that :)
god, i REALLY MISS THEM. crap. haha copycat zaki XD
kesengalan tidak abeh2 ari ni!
kiss kiss kiss, hug hug hug, MISS MISS MISS! :)
for MONTHS, i've left my DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION mat on the top of my bro's closet.
and today, i made a BIG step ( big step la sgt) by daring jojot on playing dance dance bak again when we arrived. mama tgh tgk drama "Intan" so kene tunggu :D
GOD! it was kinda tricky cause last time i played ddr was with.. yeah.. with queeny and tini
and that was like last 5 to 6 months before spm XD
kaki sudah kekok 8D
and i was AMAZED again by my best dancer cuzie, abg DWAN. seriously!
hebat giler! smpi dier leh guna tgn skali!
cube byg kan, tgh nari dgn kaki, he bends really fast to touch the ground ( well the mat ofcourse) and he still ave that few spare seconds to climb bak up and jump and dance. FREAKING ( ok sorry to say this but) shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn! envy! and he still got rank A for that, and lagu bukan calang2 lagu lagi. lagu yg level 5 star lak!!!! ugh! envy envy envy! :D
i spent like 15 songs just to get the move back and at last.. in one song, i got RANK A :)
puas ati gak la, but xde la smpi gune tgn. belum pro lagi la XD
again. one day with not sleep. wee :D
jojot said dat maybe i was too late to appreciate, but taubat is never too late.
hem, blaming me for my cause yet getting me up?
ok, i'll take dat! HAHA
ala mcm la saya x pernah wat sendiri. saya tau jot ;)
kekesalan mengajar diri jgn leka hingga wat silap. terus berjuang. chaiyok! XD
mencegah lebih elok dari mengubati?
ok la tu. haha
notes; i'm addicted to games! XD blame the boring-ness of not aving fun with friends! and give an award to zaki! persona abit susah la zaki X)
ganbatte fasya-chan! imposibble is nothing. *adidas*
whoa! teringat atok XD haha minat sgt dgn adidas dier haha
eh, klu jumpe baju blogger tu, ckp aw! nk nk :D
mybe mamat cina tu wat sendiri kot XD
ps: i wudn't mind trading my life just to get back that precious moments again :)
and mission; INCOMPLETE ;)
almost complete but not yet :)
why? needs more icing and cherry with sprinkles. haha klu nk tau, tanya balik la! LOL
friends with benefit ;)
and Run by Leona Lewis, best :) arigatto!
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, famiglia, friends, happy moments, love, my voice

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.