just tell me if u dun need me anymore
i noe i shudn't jump to conclusions but it hurts. it hurt so bad dat it cuts so deep..
i'm falling so hard dat i dun even mind at all..
pls, just say it is so.
i dun wanna bother anyone anymore.
no, no just stop! i'm not that strong. so pls, just stop.
i want a new chance but i dun think i deserve it and will eva gonna get it.
i can't see it anymore.
i'm sick of this.
no matter how much i believe...u never believe in it anymore. why?
or u do? i dunno. i noe u do.. but why?
god why am i asking all this question. shit snap out of it farah!
sah, aku akn dibunuh oleh ibu bapa aku x lama lagi.
and can u both for once! stop talking about him !
smpi hati atok doakan macam tu. itu ayah saya yang atok doakan
kejatuhan dia melibatkan keluarga kami jugak.
sampai ati. selama saya pandang tinggi kt atok, hormat dgn atok wlpun atok byk menyakitkan ati org, ati maklong, seksa arwah nenek masa dia hidup..saya masih lagi sayang atok..
tpi setelah apa yang berlaku.. sampai ati atok..
kami merana kerana doa atok tau x!
saya... penat dan sedih..
tpi xpe, biarlah Allah bls..
Allah sentiasa akan bantu pihak yang benar. saya percaya dan tunggu.
ya Allah, tolong la bukak kan mata2 hati yang BUTA tu
agar mereka sedar dan TAUBAT.
ps; i can't lie, but i keep inside too many things.
i hope i won't blow up. and i'm sorry farhah, for not calling u and telling u how i feel these days.
i noe...ur my bestmate...and i shudn't dump myself too hard..
trust me, i'll be fine. hey independent has its own cost. so this is the price i pay. sigh..

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.