kenapa! kenapa!
pls!! stop!!!! :(
saya penat. tolong.. jgn la... saya xnk jadi mcm org giler agi... tolong..
Ya Allah, kuatkan semangat aku... aku x sanggup lagi mcm ni...
tolong jangan Kau jatuhkn bebanan yang tidak dpt ditanggung lagi..
terangilah hati ku, tenangkan fikiran ku
agar ku dapat menempuh segala ni tanpa kaki terbenam ke dlm tanah.
janganlah Kau pesongkan hati2 ini
ya ALLAH..
tolong jangan Kau jatuhkn bebanan yang tidak dpt ditanggung lagi..
terangilah hati ku, tenangkan fikiran ku
agar ku dapat menempuh segala ni tanpa kaki terbenam ke dlm tanah.
janganlah Kau pesongkan hati2 ini
ya ALLAH..
Mama ( maklong),
farah betul2 pndg tinggi dgn maklong.
tak pernah seumur hidup farah jumpa sesiapa pun mcm Maklong,
u've been through even more worst than wut i ave been through.
but still, those tears never seem to fall down those beautiful cheek of urs.
probably ur getting tired being pushed around and all those bullshit from other ppl.
but u keep going on. i noe, its hard. but u still keep on.
thats why i really look up to u
u smile no matter what, but those eyes can never lie :(
as matter a fact u remind of someone. someone i dear so much.
someone i can't quite get off my mind :(
i still remember the first day i saw that person, those smile :(
nenek, kami rindu nenek.
segalanya hancur sejak nenek pergi.
saya sentiasa doa agar keluarga ni tak berpecah.
tpi nenek lihat la sendiri..
nenek... huh... maafkan saya sebab masih menitiskan air mata untuk nenek.
neneklah orang yg paling terkuat dalam keluarga ni.
walaupun setelah kena maki, sepak terajang.. nenek tetap hidup dengan lelaki bernama suami itu.
ya Allah...
nenek xpernah wat salah, tpi... u still had to go through dat. argh! dunia kejam! :(
notes; i keep telling myself dat if they cud be strong after been more worst, why can't i?
haha for straight 3 days, i'd force myself not to cry.
teaching myself to be strong.
but somehow i just can't deny the gift from ALLAH
the gift that is only meant for every women in the world.
the gift of tears, yes. perempuan menangis lebih byk dari lelaki.
huh.. well, a lil bit of tears doesn't hurt anybody doesn't it?
ps: " klu jojot xde boyfriend pon xpe la, safia ada. klu safia xde, jojot xtau ape jadi kt jot"
i envy u jot, u ave one precious friend. priceless..
hati, tolong bersabar.
tabah la menghadapinya.
maafkan daku kerana selalu membebankan kau..
maafkan daku klu kau terseksa.
tpi jangan kau jatuh. tolong bertahan.. Allah ada kan?
so jangan.. tolong.. tolong jangan kau berkecai skrg..
i know, i keep depend on u alot. and still, after what u've been through. i break u down over and over again.
i'm sorry, but pls...go through this with me. lets build this wall up again. on OUR OWN with those who loves us by our side.
yes, there still many who loves us. so pls.. lets be strong for them, for US, for me :(
Mama ( maklong),
farah betul2 pndg tinggi dgn maklong.
tak pernah seumur hidup farah jumpa sesiapa pun mcm Maklong,
u've been through even more worst than wut i ave been through.
but still, those tears never seem to fall down those beautiful cheek of urs.
probably ur getting tired being pushed around and all those bullshit from other ppl.
but u keep going on. i noe, its hard. but u still keep on.
thats why i really look up to u
u smile no matter what, but those eyes can never lie :(
as matter a fact u remind of someone. someone i dear so much.
someone i can't quite get off my mind :(
i still remember the first day i saw that person, those smile :(
nenek, kami rindu nenek.
segalanya hancur sejak nenek pergi.
saya sentiasa doa agar keluarga ni tak berpecah.
tpi nenek lihat la sendiri..
nenek... huh... maafkan saya sebab masih menitiskan air mata untuk nenek.
neneklah orang yg paling terkuat dalam keluarga ni.
walaupun setelah kena maki, sepak terajang.. nenek tetap hidup dengan lelaki bernama suami itu.
ya Allah...
nenek xpernah wat salah, tpi... u still had to go through dat. argh! dunia kejam! :(
notes; i keep telling myself dat if they cud be strong after been more worst, why can't i?
haha for straight 3 days, i'd force myself not to cry.
teaching myself to be strong.
but somehow i just can't deny the gift from ALLAH
the gift that is only meant for every women in the world.
the gift of tears, yes. perempuan menangis lebih byk dari lelaki.
huh.. well, a lil bit of tears doesn't hurt anybody doesn't it?
ps: " klu jojot xde boyfriend pon xpe la, safia ada. klu safia xde, jojot xtau ape jadi kt jot"
i envy u jot, u ave one precious friend. priceless..
hati, tolong bersabar.
tabah la menghadapinya.
maafkan daku kerana selalu membebankan kau..
maafkan daku klu kau terseksa.
tpi jangan kau jatuh. tolong bertahan.. Allah ada kan?
so jangan.. tolong.. tolong jangan kau berkecai skrg..
i know, i keep depend on u alot. and still, after what u've been through. i break u down over and over again.
i'm sorry, but pls...go through this with me. lets build this wall up again. on OUR OWN with those who loves us by our side.
yes, there still many who loves us. so pls.. lets be strong for them, for US, for me :(
Kept my tears inside Cause I knew if I
Started I'd keep crying for the rest of my
Life with you
I finally built up the strength to walk away
Don't regret it but I still live with the side effects
Wakin' up scared some nights still dreaming 'bout the violent times
Still little protective 'bout the people that I let inside
Still little defensive thinking folks be tryin' to run my life
Still little depressed inside, I fake a smile and deal with the side effects
Forgive but I can't forget,
Every day I deal with this
I live with the side efffects
But I ain't gonna let them get the best of me
Started I'd keep crying for the rest of my
Life with you
I finally built up the strength to walk away
Don't regret it but I still live with the side effects
Wakin' up scared some nights still dreaming 'bout the violent times
Still little protective 'bout the people that I let inside
Still little defensive thinking folks be tryin' to run my life
Still little depressed inside, I fake a smile and deal with the side effects
Forgive but I can't forget,
Every day I deal with this
I live with the side efffects
But I ain't gonna let them get the best of me
Labels: famiglia, my voice, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.