SEJUK panas PANAS sejuk.
everyday is a rainy day. begitulah keadaan di sini, CAMERON HIGHLAND.
usually the in the morning is the best time to go out and jog urself out cause' as time goes by, meaning at noon or evening, it'll start to rain. seriously..
yesterday, ( at last my father fulfilled his promise to me, i've been dying to get out of that apartment! ) we went to BUTTERFLY FARM as we planned. and the weather was perfecTO. but then just when we were on our way bak to HERITAGE HOTEL, it starts to rain. alhamdulillah sempat :)
oh happy new year PPL!
may this year become much better than last year. well for me, i doubt that. i mean, GOD. i'm not going to school anymore. pffttt oh well. theres alot of thing to be sad about. but why waste ur time and tears? so 'HAPPY' new year. haha ckp je, tpi time countdown of new year, banjir GLER mataku. haha biase la, flashback berlaku haha hem, dat gives me an idea, i shud do a recap of this year. OPS last year, 2008. nnti la biler dh balik. x suke cc ni, so creepy -_-"
oh thx sara, i don't enjoy my time here, but i'm ok kot? haha
and congrats to NADIA, adik zaki for the pmr results. well done, haha zaki is proud dats for sure. well i'm glad to hear that ur happy.
Aiman, congrats. jgn sedih. its not the end of the world la adik ku. u still ave spm ;)
JOJOT, biler kamu nk culik saya dari family ni? saya x saba nk tgk BEDTIME STORIES la.
EVILBROINLAW, i will kill u if ur not at the mall by 3pm. a PROMISE is a PROMISE. jgn jadi mcm abg kamu, saya semakin benci dgn org yg MEMUNGKIRI JANJI. termasuklah diri saya. haha that is why i'm trying to be a better person and fulfilled every promise or even the smallest little vow. :) wow, that could be like my LIFE RESOLUTIONS. haha oh 2009 resolutions. byk plak nk ckp kt blog ni, biaselah. lama x online X)
oh CAMERON HIGHLANDS dh ADE STARBUCKS :) haha last time i went here, there wasn't any starbucks. so IMPROVEMENT. bagusbagus ;)
okay, i spot sumfing cute. oh wait its not a thing, its a human. :) and no, this time, its not babies or small kiddies. be prepared ppl, this girl is putting on her flirting CAP. well literally i am wearing a cap. XD oh hello michael, nice to meet u too. *new friend* :)
asal ramai mls wat myspace skrg -_-" oh well, xpe michael. demi kamu, saya akn buat facebook. u want to do it for me? aww dats sweet, but no thanks. harap awak puas hati saya letak nama kamu dlm BLOG SAYA 0____0 gedik punyer budak, baru kenal mintak lebih. nasib baik kamu baik and cute. haha XD ah! jgn perasan lebih. kamu x hot langsung :P
ok la kene balik sebelum mlm dtg, kang terlalu sejuk utk jln balik haha X)
bye michael, and i xnk jumpe u lagi! TAKNAK! haha unfortunately, ur staying at the same apartment. 0_0
notes; i see him everywhere
he lives within me,
i still hear his voice, i still feel him rite beside me
those scent, those taste,
but i know, if i tried to reach him, he's not really THERE.
its just me and memories with an empty space that i'm filling on my own.
i see them, but i can never get near them anymore.
its cold, BUT ITS THE TRUTH.
living with my own fear,regrets
left with unspoken words, and only tears that is standing by me.
hiding behind a smile, hiding behind these eyes
knees on the ground, emotionlessly down.
he lives within me,
i still hear his voice, i still feel him rite beside me
those scent, those taste,
but i know, if i tried to reach him, he's not really THERE.
its just me and memories with an empty space that i'm filling on my own.
i see them, but i can never get near them anymore.
its cold, BUT ITS THE TRUTH.
living with my own fear,regrets
left with unspoken words, and only tears that is standing by me.
hiding behind a smile, hiding behind these eyes
knees on the ground, emotionlessly down.
ps; i love you, but i can't love you. i miss you but i can't miss you. i need you but i can't have you.
so if you're a MAN, start fighting this war with your OWN BARE HAND. i'm not ur TOOL to survive. and if you're a HUMAN, heh.. eyes can be blind, but not the heart. so are u a HUMAN? figure it out for urself. u dun need to prove anything to me, its to urself that u ave to convince. cause all i can hear from u now, its LIES lies LIES.
tq :) ~farahsyafiqahbintiibrahim DTA
so if you're a MAN, start fighting this war with your OWN BARE HAND. i'm not ur TOOL to survive. and if you're a HUMAN, heh.. eyes can be blind, but not the heart. so are u a HUMAN? figure it out for urself. u dun need to prove anything to me, its to urself that u ave to convince. cause all i can hear from u now, its LIES lies LIES.
tq :) ~farahsyafiqahbintiibrahim DTA
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness, friends, my voice, overall

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.