i just realised that i helped alot of people but i can't even help myself with my own life.
i mean i slapped farhah back to reality after she posted that sexy biatch picture.
oh saya mahu clarify sumfing tibe2,
Dec 20, 2008 8:21 PM
sorry i lmbt reply,
bend busy handling house work and all, dpt online sekejap je everyday :(
uggggggh seriously i dah mls nk pikir psl budak SENGAL tu. i mean, pikiran mcm keling! dh la, wtv it is, i'm gonna let him pay for what he did. OH he is SOOOOOOOOO GONNA REGRET. haha
evil kan i ni? but this is me. when ur in my game, u gotta play by my rule, if u cheat my game and play me instead. oh ur SO DEAD. haha
seriously, we ave to make that buletin title. i akn wat survey yg mmg mengutuk sume org ar.
and u tau x, nasquin yg poyo to backstab i. seriously, dier tau i tgh marah giler dgn zaki, dier leh lagi kuar dgn zaki. giler xleh bla!
i mean klu i dh breakup one month i understand. ini jgn kte one mnth. dua minggu pon x smpi! X(
seriously, i dh benci kwn2 i skrg ni. i rase selama ni i di pergunakan. bestfriend lame i pon mcm SENGAL SGT. i mean dh la terdedahkn aurat, pstu gunakan i hanya utk jumpe dgn boyfriend dier. eh ingat i ni ape????? pas utk dier kuar dri umah???!!! DAMN SEngal seyh...
seriously, mmg i pissed off. so skrg i vow akn rase empty selama2 nyer. xkn terlalu rapat dgn sesiape2 pon. xkn terlalu sgt nk mem please kn org len. pkir psl dri sendiri. klu sesiape yg nk sakitkn i pon, i dh x kisah. i dh penat and numb. wtv...
i'm strong on my own, i'm better off alone.
i ade u je nk percaya skrg. serious...
u were the first to see me cry at 9 and ur still the last friend to be sticking with me rite now :)
love u babe!!!!
ayat yg di bold itu menerangkan pergaduhan saya dgn farhah. sile tanyer mickey boyfren dier atau pun farhah sendiri. terima kasih
oh yeah back to my main point, i mean... i helped mickey and all. and farhah said she just realised all that was wrong and right because of what i said. well i guess, thats the good thing about me idioticly starting a fight with my les fab girl. it slapped me back to reality and to see & say what is truly important. TELL THE TRUTH. well thats the only good part i guess. the bad part is that i lost her trust. GERAM -__-"
and well xpe la.. wlpun saya x dpt selamatkan hidup saya yg sudah hancur ini, at least saya dpt selamatkn hidup org len sebelum dier hancur mcm saya.
hem.. haha rasanyer saya menghancurkan lagi hidup saya, kenapa saya ckp begitu?
yup, that coming from a guy who was so down to earth with me.
and tolong jgn kutuk my recent ex boyfriend ok. just because of what happen, doesn't mean that u know everything. and i just realise, that breakingup is not a bad thing. dari kita tipu diri sendiri? dari kita menyakitkan hati org yg kita sayang? betul tak?
so tolong la jgn kutuk apa yg berlaku pd hidup aku skrg. AGAIN, mcm la aku x sedar sendiri -__-"
like miyo said ( miyo, i'm so sorry for pushing u away... god i'm a bad person :( ), cinta x semestinya dpt memiliki, dan dpt memiliki x semestinya bahagia. dan jikalau bahagia, x semesti berkekalan. em em so so hait! *nods*
so nasrudin, hidup x kan selalu bahagia. saya anggap kesusahan yang menimpa saya ni sbg pengajaran hidup yg akn mencengkam hidup saya utk masa depan saya.
awak marah dan benci saya? saya faham. spt saya pernah katakan, saya mintak maaf kpd semua org beribu kali pun, xdpt menyelamatkan hidup saya yg berkecai ni.
so biarlah saya membawa bebanan ni utk mengajar saya jgn wat kesalahan lagi wlpun saya xleh lari dri wat kesalahan -_-"
aduh... asl la cuzin aku bagi aku lagu sedih... hem xpe la sesuai pun dgn keadaan skrg.. huh...
*dush!* gotta change! XD
pheew i smell like a fish X(
and thx jot for the song :( i'll be strong myself. for change starts within in me. last nite after talking to him, and listening to the song, i felt this strong urge within me. i've neva felt like this before. i shed my tears with a smile and look up to the sky and tell myself, yes... she's back. and she will not go anywhere anymore.
highlight of the week; he said " welcome back" with a smile. i can't see it, but i feel it in my heart :')
Sampai disini
Berat kaki melangkah
Memburu mimpi yang tidak lagi bernyawa
Kerana hati kasih
Enggan lagi bersama
Biarlah rindu bersemadi dalam jiwa
Sampai disini kasih
Gelora cinta yang terindah
Walau di hati pedih
Aku merana
Tersungkur aku dalam luka bila cinta yang dibina
Hanya untuk dipersia-sia
Biar aku yang merasai kesan pilu dalam hati
Sampai disini
Takdir untuk bercinta
Selamat tinggal kasih
Ucapkan perpisahan
Biarlah cinta ini menjadi kenangan
terima kasih jot untuk lagu ini. maafkan sebab x dpt berjumpe lagi. dan maafkan sebab x ceritekan segala kepahitan hidup saya selama setahun ini. farah bukan xnk, cume.. biarlah farah je yg selami sume ni sorg. ini balasan atas segala perbuatan farah selama ni. nanti klu pjg umur, farah cite kot? haha just enjoy ur life while u have it jot. cause i dun ave it anymore. but i'm reliving it again, once more. eventhou its just memories *sighi'm addicted to britney's songs X) oh and i'm not lesbian la, just because i'm farhah's boyfriend 0_0
note to self, call zaki more often when he's blank haha, cause u may not know what he wud say haha XD
again, i really can't wait for halibilu. for the second time -__-" oh that reminds me, irham sihat ke? dh ready utk gi sabah ka? haha :)
angah sudah addicted to "SEDUCING MR. PERFECT" :D
weird hearing from my brother " daniel henney hot seyh, dh ar tinggi" 0_0 i hope my brother doesn't turn gay -__-"
Labels: my voice

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.