better. stronger. funner.
like britney spears, FASYA IS BACK. no no. not that emo fasya. FARAH SYAFIQAH BINTI IBRAHIM.
i'm stronger, braver, better, real, and the most important part; STRAIGHT TO THE POINT
like i said, my actions all this time making me feel like i'm SO stupid. so i'm changing myself.
yeah, i'm living with the guilt. but that doesn't mean i'm turning myself down. i have a life.
my world doesn't revolves around ANYBODY. i dun control theirs and they dun control me. i control ME.
u can criticize me, bad talk about me, but hell there's nothing u can do isn't it? jgn terasa org2 di luar. i'm not pointing fingers here. but in my blog, i do all the talking dude. ok? so mari saya straight forward dgn kamu. saya mmg bersalah dgn kamu. antara kamu nk maafkan, nasquin, itu hak kamu. (mmg pon duh...... bangang seyh aku ni)..... oh korg sume nk percaya atau tidak, sudeeeeeh... ku x heran lagi dah. all that i know i ave changed myself from bottom to top. whoa that sounds so wrong -____-"
baru je ingat nk wat surprise party seyh. haha XD xpe la.. klu pjg umur dn berkelayakan lagi di gelar kwn, saya buat KOT?
ok, saya sedar yg skrg ni, smks9 sdang bercerite hangat psl saya. terima kasih tini untuk info, at least there's sumfing i can clarify here.
first of all, korg hebat sgt ke nk kutuk aku hah? korg ckp ape yg korg nmpk je kan? korg nmpk ke masa aku nangis time prom tu? korg nmpk ke? oh that BITCH went dancing with nasrudin ali. sengal. seriously. seriously farhah, how cud u leave me alone that time? when i need u the most. after everything i did for u, and what i heard from mickey u already brokeup with him? wtf perempuan??? mcm tu je? huh, xpe la. yg penting ko sedar yg ko tu selfish and ko dh mintak maaf kt aku :) and aku kwn ko la! susah senang ko aku tetap kene tau n akn bantu ko syg, i'm ur boyfriend kan?haha XD fyi ppl, i'm still straight ok! XD and i'm stronger :) and xpe, ko pun ade masalah ko time tu.
i've realise i've done so many wrongs. but this time, i'm not gonna let this push me down again. i'm picking up the pieces. and standing so strong. oh hell yeah i'm FINE NOW. i'm not gonna fix this because of anybody. i'm not gonna change for anybody but me. rite now, everything is not for them, its for me and what i want. i dun give a damn anymore about wut they say about me. biarpi lah org sume fikir ape yg diorg fikir. all i know is that, what i know. and what ALLAh knows. biarlah aku sorg je yg tahu kebenaran. there's no reason for me to be intimidate by u guys. so go ahead. go bad talk about me. wtv, but remember dis. u dun noe anything. thats y ur spreading something that is not true. fuck, u dun even know what is true.
saya salah sebab ckp nasquin mcm tu. saya x ptt emosi sgt. saya dh sedar. skrg ni, saya nk ubah and stop talking about anybody. i'm thinking about me and only me. no more caring about wut they say and do. saya bodoh sebab marah bende yg x patut dan bangang sgt jealous.
i'm wrong for lying to myself. yeah, i danced with nasrudin. ya heard???? and i know it was wrong. and i still feel stupid for it. sorry la nasrudin, tpi ko sendiri sedar time tu aku tgh nangis kan? and ko boleh plak marah aku kt situ. ingat aku ni ape, patung ke? dh dh. cukup ko x yah nk marah aku lagi, ko xyah nk sakitkn ati aku. ye ye, mmg aku tgh bersendirian tnpa kwn skrg, tnpa sesiape. aku x kisah. like i said, i'm stronger. better. ur not gonna break me down anymore.no body will. only me. and fat chance i'm letting myself down again. u wanna leave me? go ahead. with all do respect, leave as u please. i'm gonna find a much more better life than this. cause i know, i DESERVE IT. i made alot of huge mistakes. i'm gonna fix it and stay strong till the end.
* in peace and tranquility *
EVERYBODY, listen up. huh... whether u guys believe it or not. i'm fine :) . with or without u guys. i'm living my life to the fullest. and i'm happy with it. i'm not gonna lie anymore. i'm not gonna let the time pass just like that. i'm gonna cherish every second that i ave.i'm not gonna do any stupid things anymore :)
yeah, i made alot of ppl hurt. i will fix it. if it doesn't work and they won't forgive me, i'm cool with that. all i know rite now, i'm just fine. no more crying.
i ave MOVED ON. i'm happy for me. x caya sudah haha XD
sudah la. malas nk ckp byk. haha
notes; oh saya pndi masak! weee :)
i guess 3 weeks of doing all the house work on my own worth it all. siapa mau kawen dgn saye? well, itu ape yg mama ckp la x abeh2 3 minggu ni haha ;)
no more hurting people, no more being so down. thats the new me :)
strong strong strong! oh i still love u guys no matter how much u guys hate and despise me ;)
les fab, i'm sorry!
Labels: happy moments, my voice

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.