why? cause i'm dead, my bills are SO HIGH, my dad's gonna FLIPOUT when he finds out.
SHIT! I'M DEAD! THIS IS SO NOT GOOD FOR A STARTING OF A NW YEAR! pls! not now! not until the PROM! GOD...... pls!!! i swear i'll do anything just TO GET THE MONEY TO PAY IT ON MY OWN ( well except selling my body or yg melanggar undang2 ISLAM ). ARGHHH
note to self: try helping others without causing urself to be in trouble.
vow: DO NOT USE THE PHONE ANYMORE. sorry ppl, i guess no more calling :(
BENCI!!!!! whywhywhy :(
oh yeah, i'm home from cameron. pics? nnti upload. tgh stress sgt nk upload..
and thx PULUT, haha for today. guard that guitar WITH UR LIFE. i swear i'll kill u if anything bad happens to it. thats the only 'husband' that is still standing by me now. haha i noe, i'm married to music, what can i say? nobody wants me like the music does :)
thx: iraAzaleaPutKimiZakir and i forgot the other one lol jamming dgn kamu best jugak lol
and thx zaki for the invitation, i didn't noe it was so cute. haha god! pls! at least let me go to the prom! :(
notes; i swear my heart can't stop beating when i was on my way to see HIM.
and my mission failed, i still can't see those smile :(
a good question from mr EVIL " i still can't believe u guys. i mean after all u guys did together and.. been through, how? why? "
ironicly i ask the same question every second of my life. once u find the answer, keep it to urself REDZWAN, cause i dun wanna THINK about it anymore.
all i noe, its dat everything dat is happening, happens for a BLOODY GOOD REASON.
and again, i RESPECT IT.
~tq, fasya MZSM

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.