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I miss dancing. A lot. I've been dancing in my mind, but I haven't done it physically. I need to sweat out these rusty Nike boots. Lyle Beniga, you've got some sick moves.
I don't express my feeling well.
but i can be emotional as easy as heartless :)
I'm slow, so do be patient with me.
I like taking photos
I don't have alot of things to say,
I listen and nod.
Fasya Ibrahim Create Your Badge
I wish for :
My own guitar :)
A classical guitar that can be connected to the speaker :)
Get DL for next semester and the next semester. Fighting Fasya ! >,<
Learn self-defense like Taekwondo or Jiujutsu. Hiyah !
New Lens for my D3K.
A lens that can zoom further :D oh I need to learn more about photography and cameras X)
I want to learn Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, German, anything !
as long as a different kind of language.
So that it will be easy when travelling :)
I miss dancing. A lot. I've been dancing in my mind, but I haven't done it physically. I need to sweat out these rusty Nike boots. Lyle Beniga, you've got some sick moves.