i just think that the skirt is too cute to be true :)
funny inside story; the skirt was display on a table, we checked the price and we thought it only cost 33 bucks, and omma just smile.
omma checked it again, it was the belt that was 33 bucks. not the skirt.
it's not that my demand is high,
i just think that i haven't shop for myself for quite some time.
give me a break, at least give me a few moments to be very greedy :)
umm on second thought, i shouldn't say that -_-'
after all, i am getting a new phone.
so if i'm asking for more clothes, that just shows how ungrateful and unappreciative i am. when i'm actually grateful.
i am :)
thank you omma :)
i just need the money to buy the things that i need for melaka. thats all.
seriously, i mean it.
i won't buy any necessary cute things anymore X)
ps; last two weeks ago, went to The Curve and spent 230 bucks for 5 adidas clothes.
sheesh, i need to control myself -_-'
i'm like a volcano.
it keep itself quiet for quite some time, but when it is activated, i blow up like a maniac.
this applies to shopping habit and crying habit -_-'
i won't care about you anymore, or maybe care less, HEH
Labels: clothes, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.