you feel stranded or abandon because you don't even have a single clue of what's going on.
and that kind of feeling just doesn't fades away.
and that just bothers you more and more.
it pains you when part of you are actually happy for every little things that is going on around you but there's that silent part of you that you've been shadowing.
that silent part will always pull you back into the darkness and kill that happiness slowly.
it's tough.
it's like walking through your memories again.
it's like you're there to re-live it again, but you're just an invisible human being and all you could do is see the memories rewinding back.
you can't hold it, can't touch, can't feel it and just can't record it.
cause they're just memories that you're remembering up in your mind.
i know that i'm stronger than this.
i know i am.
but i never thought coming back to that place was tougher than i thought it would be.
trying hard to push away those thoughts and memories was stressful.
its like fighting with your inner self.
and it's frustrating when you found out that you lose.
oh i just check my blog, and i think it's been awhile since i post this kind of emoish post -_-'
most of it was like, suju suju suju all the way.
heh, even this emoish post has suju in it -_-'
by the way, all that i wrote just now, is practically what i feel right now.
well, half of what i really feel right now.
like i said, its tough.
i think i'm going to regret saying this [maybe yes, maybe no, who knows] but,
well my family and I.
omma wanted to go. cause she has never been there before.
well i have to say, we really enjoyed ourselves there.
i mean, all of us except angah, bought ourselves each something.
omma said it is for the occasion i'm going to Melaka, it's Izzat's birthday and Along's graduation.
angah wants xbox, so thats why he didn't get anything :P
i wish him all the best for his results.
what kind of a sister would i be if i don't want him to get an xbox :P
even if it's 4:23am right now,
i think i'm gonna straight away upload and post today's pictures.
i think my sorrow has conquered my tiredness.
there was some dancing. i think i've seen the commercial somewhere in the tv about the dancing thingy.
its for the 1 malaysia thingy.
and christmas celebration too, i think ?
i just realised something.
this picture was taken on the same floor when i was standing with him on 1st april.
tsk ok ok too much reminiscing.
don't worry, i'm ok :)
i'm actually excited when i got there LOL
at least before i went all down -_-'
christmas celebration.
it was very entertaining with the dancing and all.
the lights mesmerized me :)
izzat was bored.
it took omma like almost 2 hours to decide on whether to buy this one bag at Coach.
in the end, she bought it. with the help of me persuading of course :P
and then we went to parkson to buy izzat's prezzie.
but instead, izzat wants a roller blade instead of cars this year.
a shocking yet wonderful news :)
daddy bought himself a swarovski flower and a ted baker watch.
his reason; "bunga tu utk mama, jam tu replace jam yang akan daddy bagi ke mat dwe. "
aww daddy is getting all close with abg dwan :3
just like old times huh ? :)
never get tired of butt pictures :)
cmon, you guys know me :)
remember, never walk right in front of me. HAHAHA XD
one huge teddy !
dude ! it's bigger than izzat !
aww man, how i wish i could bring it home with me :)
i'll have the sleep of my life !
we ate our celebration dinners at Tony Romas.
huge huge HUGE info about that.
it's all about halal issue thingy.
it was our first time trying out Tony Romas, it was along who suggested we eat dinner there.
we sat there like for 1 hour and half just to get the assurance that Tony Romas has the Halal certificate.
daddy is really picky with these things.
cmon, who doesn't ?
i mean, even i felt wrong when i was sitting at the bench waiting for an empty table for us to sit.
they gave us the menu but i kept looking for the Halal sign in the menu or hanging in the restaurant.
i can understand why they didn't hang it, its because they served liquir and all.
but preparation is important -_-'
suddenly this one waiter came up and wanted to take down our order, so dad had to repeat, AGAIN that he wanted to see the halal certificate first before any ordering is done.
seriously, daddy asked for the certificate for about 6 times.
but everybody was like, " oh ok, i will go and asked my manager for it" but no body came -_-'
but at last, the waiter came back again, WITH the certificate :)
omma almost gave up waiting, cause she was very hungry and she thinks we were just wasting our time -_-'
but "sabar separuh daripada iman."
setiap kebaikan pasti ada balasannya :)
and also the other way around as well, LOL
the salmon was magnifee !
the steak was sooo soft and juicy :)
even though i get to taste lil of it due to my braces -_-' , at least i get to taste it :)
i ended up being too full to eat my own main course :(
its not my fault that i'm already used to eating less food these days.
my appetite has decreased because of these darn braces.
i ate a cup of baked potato soup and ended up being full just like that.
i can't believe i turned down a whole plate of pasta :(
yeah, thats the cup.
small isn't it ?
i still can't believe i could be full just by eating that.
thats not even a meal.
thats just a starter.
but i have to give credits to the fried mushrooms and the chocolate milkshake.
seriously, AWESOME.
i really love it soo much :)
i wouldn't mind going back there again :)
but i have to wear a mask, cause i've been embarrassed by my family there -_-'
remember the waiter that i was talking about ?
yeah, the one who was serving us.
daddy told him that i like him +_+
like what the GUCCI ?
angah bet that he was Kelantanese, i said that he might be wrong.
so he used my name saying that i want to know where the guy was from.
OK, nothing can explain how i feel at that moment.
ok its already 5 am.
i'll talk about that some other day i guess.
if that is i want to remember.
urgh, please note that i'm writing this in hurry at the moment.
my eyes are burning from all the tears just now.
i need to rest my eyes real bad.
so good morning. heh
literally -_-'
ps; i hope you will pick up the phone.
but i have doubts whether i should call you or not.
i'm scared if i'm making this even more worse than it is. sigh
why life is so complicated ?
just when i'm taking everything just easy.
hold on, don't hold back. can you do that ?
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, factaboutfasya, famiglia, flash backs, sadness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.