don't ask why malay came out of the blue.
i just feel that to express hunger, it gives more impact when you say it in malay.
ok i'm weird.
it has the same meaning -_-'
but i still think it has the different impact.
moving on~
[ lapar punya pasal la ni X( ]
rasa mcm penat sgt nk update blog.
tapi tak boleh tido lak.
hwaiting fasya ! X(
something i've been postponing to post.
gjie baked cupcakes as my birthday present !
and in every single cupcake, she puts either chocolate bar or strawberry.
she said it was supposed to melt in the cupcake.
but it didn't -_-'
i still love it gjie !
did i mention gjie cooked lunch for me XD
and i love it sooooo much ! i wish i could eat more :)
too bad, i can't X(
oh great, time time lapar, kau post pasal makanan.
the chocolate !
yummy :9
huhu T,T
lapao X(
oh my GUCCI. i didn't even explain anything at all.
ok here's the story.
i haven't seen gjie for A LONG LONG TIME [kan gjie kan ? :D]
so we decided to met up.
so i came to her house :D
and we went to Pak Li seksyen 7 just to hang out.
we tried calling EZIR, but he said he just finished his paper pfft -_-'
and gjie called ALAN, i mean just in case he's around.
well he was but he just came back from PD -_-'
and he didn't sleep for one whole night.
but still we had so much fun !
even though we were just sitting around and talking :P
well i hope you won't forget me anymore alan :P
no cupcakes for you ! haha XD
gjie :)
ezir : "ey asal you sekarang cengkung giler ?"
agreed ! :)
gjie still can't accept the fact that she became too skinny -_-'
skinnier than ever O_O
ok of all people that become chubby, EZIR WAS ONE OF THEM.
you know we waited for ezir for 5 hours kot.
pukul 6 baru nak muncul -__-'
bukan nya duduk jauh pun :P
ezir chubby !!! :D
haha i love teasing him X)
it was drizzling, so ezir offer to send us off from Pak Li.
even though he drop us off at the road side, at least it was near to gjie's house.
so we don't have to walk too much in the rain and get ourself wet and tired :P
and the experience of crossing the big drain was the first time ! :D
it was sooo funny when you think about it XD
it's indescribable :)
what happens, let it be kept between me and gjie :D
cmawhoring in ezir's car ! haha XD
ezir marah sebab tak tgkp gmbr dgn dia :P
ala ezir, you ada la dlm ni :P
this reminds me of the moment where we kacau him at SACC while he was working at the Digi store :D
i stayed at gjie's house until 7 something.
cause i had to wait for my brother to pick me up -_-'
so we spent the 1 hour watching youtube and i showed her tae yang's video.
but unfortunately, i failed to make her fall for his dance -_-'
gjie's love for japanese song is too strong for korean to bust in. LOL XD
and thats it for that one day :)
i really enjoyed it.
thank you so much gjie :)
also to alan and ezir :P
love you guys ;)
hoping to see you guys again :D
at least before i go to Melaka ! :D
ps; did i mention i love you ?
if no, i love you :)
i miss you hyakuji
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, happy moments

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.