but i will never give up ! :P
i almost had an heart attack when i saw that there was no msg in 'My Folder'.
turns out that i put the message settings in 'Phone memory'.
oh oh yes yes guess what ?
i found out that i could save all my messages from my old phone to my new phone :D
this coming from a low level of knowledge about high tech stuffs X)
and i am not greedy anymore ! :D
yes, i decided to give up my old phone to my brother.
i mean, i already said that i would give it to him.
i felt guilty for taking those words back -__-'
so i gave it back ! haha XD
but instead, he gave me my old motorola L6 back.
cause that was like my first ever handphone
and i bought it like first hand 8)
anyway, i'm still happy that i could still read my old messages in my new phone 8)
weee izzat should be thankful that i went through all that work to transfer all the messages from one phone to another.
well he is :P
ps; currently finding a software to convert videos to a readable format for handphone X)
i am dyingly trying to put supergirl video into my handphone.
and tae yang.
yes, tae yang :)
ergh, why is it so hard to get this thing to convert the video -__-'
sheeeeeesh i can't stay up all night -__-'
this is sooo bad for my health 8B
yes, along told me there's gonna be a crocs warehouse sale today.
i woke up just to realise that i'm bored and i dragged izzat to come along.
bahaha :D
WHICH btw, if there's anyone who is interested to get all cramped up with TONS AND TONS of people in this small space just to check out some crocs shoes that is NOT YOUR SIZE yet cute and adorable,
please do go to the MINES :)
the sale ends this sunday.
for the first time ever, i bought my own crocs shoes.
wedges to be precise.
i never bought from Crocs before.
but after trying out, i realised i have been missing out something in my life :)
but not ANYMORE, muahaha [ err why a sudden evil laugh ? -_-' ]
taking pictures using the phone.
testing the quality ;)

here's the thing. we tend to forget where we parked our car.
and that's just about it :D

izzat says : "gmbr ni mcm iklan taknak merokok. "
that worries me :/
i mean he's a boy.
sigh, i'm scared i wouldn't be there to guide him.

for a 3.2 MP, it's ok :)
dude ! this so NOSTALGIC -__-'
i rode that boat when i was lil'
i remembered enjoying every single second being there with my family.
but ever since we moved to Alor Setar, we haven't been there for A LONG LONG TIME -__-'

izzat bought himself a cap.
well i'm not sure if it's called cap or beret -__-'
but what ever it is, it is the same cap that LEE SEUNGGI always wear :3
haha i'm training my brother to love korea X)
well i don't really need to, cause he really wants to look like Seunggi -__-'
oh well :D
ps; my cousins once said that izzat resembles the main character in Stairway To Heaven.
does he ?

he soooo does not :|
does he ? *pondering*

bought big apple and got free calendar when purchase above RM15.
sheesh, advertising much ? -__-'
btw i only love ALIEN AND CHOCOHOLIC :9
unless big apple is going to create another donut that consist chocolate, then both of that will be my all time favourite 8)

this is what i bought X)
daddy said yes because this is something for Melaka.
tsk don't worry.
i can only take advantage of that reason FOR NOW.
after that, I CAN'T :|
after 70%, RM150 8D

here's a clearer version of it.

and i love the box :D
" UGLY BOX 100% recyclable which makes it beautiful "
this sentence makes me smile all the time >,<
well that's it then.
i realised that i have been going out alot with my brothers X)
well, i won't get these kind of chances once i'm there.
plus along will get busy with his works and all :(
the best part about being the only girl in the family, is that you feel you're being protected by three musketeer XD
except izzat is being protected by me -__-'
sheesh, it's 5:44 am -__-'
i'm doomed.
ps; i've succeeded !
i found the perfect converter.
and now supergirl video is in my phone !
even tae yang !
now i'm gonna put snsd and step up :9
oh yeah, and i'm currently hungry.
pss; i miss you zaki. heh
ice box
Labels: factaboutfasya, famiglia, my things

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.