-new phone :) [ soon soon! ]
-new cute bright colours clothes
-the nanny dvd :(
-my own guitar C:
-red lipstick 8)
-new wedges
-my own car
-suju's 3rd album
-humongous teddy
-learn how to play drum
you see that ?
soon the second one will be strike out too :D
i hope abg dwan gets a hold of abg cepoi's friend asap.
though, i'm still devastated thinking of not going to use my old phone.
there are so many sweet memories i had with that phone.
heh, i had it for more than 4 years.
even my ex piano class mate was shocked when she saw me still using it.
but i told her i'm gonna get a new phone soon :)
not that i'm proud of it though.
getting a new phone always reminds me of not using that old loyal phone -__-'
ah, i'm sorry izzat. i know i promised that i would give that phone up to you.
but i just don't want to lose all my sweet msgs :(
i know that i can't recover those msgs anymore.
being in college will be different.
nobody is gonna text me sweet and meaningful messages anymore -_-'
sigh... :|

last saturday, daddy bought izzat the vcd.
it was part of izzat's birthday present.
izzat got vcd, a roller blade with sets of helmet, elbow+knee+hand pad, and 4 brand new 2010 edition of hot wheels cars.
and all of that are in the budget of rm150.
i never got tons of presents before X(
for my 11th birthday, i didn't get anything at all.
well at least i get to see Up.
and izzat ask daddy to buy it just because i want it :)
and NO, i didn't influence him to buy it for me :P
izzat loves me.
loves me alot kot -_-'
i don't know why but he always wants what i want, ever since he was born kot -_-'
if i want that candy, daddy would have to buy it for him as well.
if i want that game, he would like to try it as well :|
he's like a twin version of me, except he imitates.
oh well, i like him that way :)
i don't want him to grow up too fast.
cause i love him too dearly.
i mean, you don't get a brother who likes to follow you around don't you ?
i'm glad i have a brother like him.
plus sisters can be tough.
and at least i can be proud of being the only girl in this family !
wachaa ! haha :D
but i really need to be more feminine.
too much boyish stuff in this home X)
but i don't mind. i don't mind seriously :D
OH MY GUCCI ! this is so not what i wanted to say -__-'
ok Up's review;
i really enjoyed it very much. i'm very curious why it only got 4 stars.
i mean, the story has an amazing plot and storyline. i love it very much.
the funny thing is the first time i watched it, izzat was already watching the 2nd cd.
so i was only watching the ending part where Carl trying to save Kevin(the bird :D) and guess what ?
i was already weeping at the ending X(
the second time, i watched it from the beginning till the end.
magnificent if i must say so ?
it was funny, because i get annoyed when people ask so many question while i'm watching some movie or drama.
i mean, i understand they didn't get the movie because they didn't watch the movie from the beginning.
but i usually picked up the storyline pretty fast -_-'
but while watching Up, i didn't get annoyed at all.
along and daddy were asking alot of questions -__-'
but i wasn't annoyed :D
i guess this movie really made me smile and cheerful :)
with that, i conclude that this movie, well its great.
i recommend everybody to watch it.
love, comedy, friendship and common sense and excitement.

" squirrels ! "
haha :D
"urr umm.. oh point ! "
this dog reminds me of zaki -__-'
haha :D
he's cute when he imitates the dog :)
well he's already cute as he is :P
pfft, well you get my point, tsk -____-'

seriously sweet.
i shed a tear even though i know that she'll die.
from a friendship till marriage.
seriously, i wouldn't mind growing old if i have a guy who is willing to stick with me even though i look ugly with alot of lines :P
till death do us apart huh ? :P
tsk, hard to be achieve :)

i found this while searching at photobucket and i just have to post it as well.
cause its sooo darn cute :D
oh well, thats that.
i guess i've write too much on this post.
i still its unfair :P
but don't worry, the roller blade that we bought for izzat is adjustable.
thank god i have size 4 half foot.
heh, its not that bad being all short and all :P
tsk, at least my feet is not as small as omma's cinderella feet -__-'
grateful grateful O:)
emotionally stable currently
Labels: factaboutfasya, famiglia, movie

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.