its not that i love black.
it's just that, my omma loves to buy me black clothes, i found that some of the interesting clothes designs are in black colour only -_-'.
seeeeee, its not my fault at all :D
to be honest, i think that i look unattractive in black.
it's because my personality is abit emoish.
even though people say my attitude is very happy go lucky and cheerful :D
how looks can be deceiving :)
they'll weep if they found out the slight truth of what i'm going through.
well few people did :)
that just pretty much shows how much they love and understand me *smilling widely
nevertheless, THANK YOU FARHAH :D
you have added another black clothe to my collection -_-'
oh well, at least it's a dress, so i don't need to worry about buying a black dress for formal dinners :P
and how did you know i love nichii ;)
you devil :P

again, thank you my sweet sweet sugar boobless darling.
BAHAHA, seriously, the boobless is VERY NECESSARY haha :D
she promised to buy the present with me, but she ended up suprising me when i came to her house.
and it shocked me more that she pick black -_-'
ah, it's all about black for this post ey ?
flashbacks; when i was at smks18, everybody starts calling me emo.
and i never really like it :/
now i understand :)
and i realise i need to buy clothes that are in bright colours.
need to change my style :)
ps; i still think black and white is the best colour combination :)
not emoish, i just think it has style ;)
being sophisticated is not wrong, right ? :D
i'm coming for you

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.