ah ! jgn bsing.
esok aku takde.
so ini je la masa ku nak buat post marathon :P
takdela, with the last post already done, my mission for tonite is complete.
at least when i go to melaka, i haven't left anything undone :)
oh lappieto, i will be apart from u for now :(
but don't worry, i'll come back next week X)
dude ! 27/12/2009 is the most busiest day ever :(
on my mother's side, my cousin is getting engage, while on my father side, is hariz birthday !
and and on MY SIDE, shahril is inviting me to heart-at-tack gigs performance !
sheesh, just when i'm about to go to melaka.
where was all this when i was fast asleep, bored to death at home ? :|
sheesh -_-'
went to selayang today.
i knew that crying scene was bound to happen :P
oh well :)
i love kakya, what can i say :)
and i got money, but that doesn't makes me happy one bit.
i felt so guilty getting money from kakya -_-'
nevertheless, thank you kakya.
i promise you i will take care of myself there, dont worry.
i'll be fine :(
err ignore the sad smiley -_-'
thank you again to all cousins and aunties who hugged me just to wish me good luck :)
at times like this, i felt so grateful and realised how much i am love :)
pic credits to queeny.
so you see, i don't really need a guy right now :)
haha apsal tiba2 kuar out of the blue ni ? X)
but seriously, i'm happy just the way i am right now :)
anyway, wish me luck there.
nothing else to say.
hoping to talk to you guys soon.
gonna miss u very much bloggie.
and all my bloggers.
nuha, fazra and the rest.
sorry can't name it all.
but anybody who is reading this, take note you are one of them who i will be missing badly :)
oh well, only 3 hours for me to sleep.
thats normal X)
sayonara !
ps; i miss you jojot.
you too moose gedik ! :P
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, d3000, famiglia, friends, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.