that's a sign for me.
a sign FOR. A. NEW. SHOE :D
thank you ken for spending some time listening to me trying to decide on what shoes to buy.
i know, it was annoying wasn't it? :P
oh i really can't runaway from yellow isn't :D
it cost me RM49.90 :)
how affordable babeh ;)
not a branded item, but i don't mind :)
goodbye old broken shoes :'(
i will never forget your contribution to my life :(
i would like to sew it back, but it was too much to be sewed -_-"
i still want that wedges though :/
too bad there were no size -_-"
my cinderella feet :)
ish ish, be grateful fasya 8)
alas, my mission was completed.
a new flats once a year.
i wonder what kind of flats i'll get next year :D
i'm a half-shopaholic
Labels: my things

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.