on 31st october abg dwan and kak siti kidnapped me [ BAHAHA ] and took me to sungai buloh, maklong's house.
so i didn't online to check out who wished me at midnight on myspace or facebook.
to be honest, i waited from 10:30pm.
i know. WEIRD. i mean, its not like their gonna wish me on the strike of 12 o'clock. [well actually someone did sms-ed me at 12 o'clock. queeny did :D ]
but when the clock started to show 11:35pm.
i started to wonder, if anyone ever remember my birthday?
i wonder if my own bestfriend even forget my birthday.
at 7:30 pm [ after maghrib ], i was in the car.
and they wished me first.
according to Islam Time.
; abg dwan kak tati kakya kak ct. yusuf were sleeping in the car -_-"
[yusuf comel! :D]
as i arrived at maklong's house, i was greeted more by aunts and cousins :)
i guess thats the best part of sleeping over at my cousin's house on my birthday eve :)
so jojot, kakya, maklong, maklang, makuda and etc etc [too many people to list down -_-"] were the ones who wished me first. well they had their advantage :P
oh yeah, before i forget, to an old friend that prefer to be unknown who called, sms-ed and wished me, thank you.
i wish you all the best in your exams.
to be honest, not alot of people who wished using sms.
some of them called and some use myspace and face book.
but i'll just list down who wished me.
and on 1 november, we had alil celebration after all the events at maklong's house were finished.
that was the best part. celebrating with my family and cousins.
i can't even remember the last time i celebrate my birthday with my cousins.
ah, that just brings tears to my eyes.
whoop! no. no tears :)
not this post :)
oh and the last person to wished me was nuha! :D haha
its ok honey, as long as you wished :)
again thankyou to those who wished :)
my dad gave me this in his sms.
he tried to cheer me up because i sulk upon their [as in omma and daddy] lateness of wishing me.
i still think the video is creepy 0_0
there's so many things i want to say but i think this post is too long.
and i still have another post to write :)
Labels: friends

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.