i turned 18 on 1 november :)
hey i'm legal!
i can get drunk, smoke, go clubbing, watch 18sx and have sex!
BAHAHA i said that too many times kan jojot?
but everybody knows that i'm just bluffing :)
ok since its 18th, meaning i'm almost at the ending of my teen years [ T,T ]
i really want to see how much have i changed these 18 years.
i know i have to do a post on what happen on 1 november 2009 from the 0000 till 2400.
and let me just say, i had so much fun on 1 november :)
ok ok, appreciatian post after this.
let us see fasya's pictures and see how much she grown!
ps; i lost two cds that had all my pictures from form 1 till form 4 :(
oh i'm sorry, the pictures was kinda crumpled -_-"
oh and guess what? this was the only picture when i was baby!
daddy said that when i was born, they were too busy to take pictures of me.
we moved about alot.
T,T i was unappreciated even when i was born~
LOL drama much fasya?
i wonder how old was i in this pic :/
i forgot what omma said! -__-"

ceyt, i was chubby even back then.
but why did omma said i was skinny :/
oh yeah factaboutfasya; when i was lil, i didn't eat alot.
actually, i don't eat all.
we ibrahim's children has that sypmtoms when we were lil.
so omma always made us eat Appeton.
haih, dulu terkurang mkn, skrg TERLEBIH MKN.
hebat tul anak2 ibrahim ni :P
whoa, i like to pose even when i was lil?
and boy, my father was great in photography back then :D
my bad habit, daddy said.
pouty -_-"
my 5 year old cake! :D
i had two brothers that time. i was the only girl.
omma bought me tons of dresses and skirts so that i don't get tomboy-ish -_-"
oh omma, how wrong was you. LOL
my first boyfriend.
i still remember, the bus driver kept teasing me for the whole year after that dance -_-"
oh hey! i was a stage performer ever since i was lil!
daddy: "farah nanti besar nak jadi apa?"
me: "nak jadi artis!"
haha i didn't even remember me saying that :)
children's corner, Alor Setar.
yeah i lived at Kedah for 8 years, if i'm right.
those were the good times :)
i went to girl school from Year 1 till Year 4.
moving to Shah Alam was hard -_-"
i never wore kurung before.
well obviously, ALL GIRL SCHOOL. get it?
boy was i small!
no wonder people mistaken me for Year 2 instead of Year 4 -_-"
standard 5.
i was really skinny back :(
i wished i was still skinny like that.
after Big Apple exist, no more Dunkin Donut.
standard 6!
i'm not really a fast runner -_-"
i can't believe omma still kept this picture :)
omg omg! story telling!
damn, never thought i would see this picture :D
i swear to god i miss my childhood years -_-"
2005, Stonehenge, one of the wonders of the world.
weird, i look blacker as i grew up.
oh now i remember -_-" i was active in KRS.
no wonder people kept asking how dark i became.
yeah i like to travel alot :)
arigatou daddy and omma! :D

and i like to take pictures :P
and i like stripes!
it suits me pretty much. :D

to the person who took this picture, thankyou.
:) and yes i was REALLY HAPPY that time.
no fake :)

before 1 november 2009.
haha :D
yeah i've grown alot :)
and this blog too :)
dear oekaki, i hope you'll stick around with me for the next year and the next next year and so so on :D
well i have many 2009's pictures
but this post already took me long enough -_-"
trying to find the pictures back is HARD 0_0
picture on 1 november? soon :)
ps; i've changed alot :)
but i'm still that same old girl omma holding :D
guess what? i really can't wait to go to MELAKA!
again, congrats on becoming legal fasya :)
i love everyone who made me who i am today
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, flash backs

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.