Onlining at Omma's Office.
and boy the internet is SOOO.. :(
haha :D
did i getcha? no? well.. who cares! :P
oh no :O
the youtube is loading so fast :3
happy happy happy!
jom jot! nyanyi lagu happiness!
life couldn't get better ;) [singing]
oh did i mention, omma's skrin are like huge 8D
me like me like! 8D
oh and i just found out that they made another video for the us version.
i thought they only produce the english version song.
but there was a video as well! :D
why am i keep repeating this -_-"
i thought that i would be bored to death at omma's office today,
but i guess i'm wrong :D
why am i here anyway?
omma asked me and izzat accompany her -_-"
she said,
she wants to redeem of not spending much time with us since she's been busy with her new job and stuffs.
oh oh and her office has a shower?!
damn :D
too bad i didn't bring my cable with me.
huhu T,T
i have tons of things to write about but...
pictures are at omma's lappieto.
boy, am i a genius for not bringing it -_-"
argh, never mind.
might as well, enjoy watching ehb :3
ps; - dude, i'm going to your house!
you hear me?
babo :3
-izzat has gone off to adventure this Palace Of Justice [ seriously, thats the name of this office. budak putrajaya mesti tau :3 ]
-wookie! :3
-jojot i miss you :(
-i still want that coat :
i am a singer
Labels: songs, story of the day

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.