please observe the picture located on the left side bar.
is it just me or it kinda expand upwards in internet explorer?
and there's one more obvious differences.
if you have a pair of good eyes, you would know.
i noticed the differences because i am the owner of this blog, HAH :D
please be kind,
if you're smart, try explaining this to me :)
i'm not an expert in IT.
cause if i was, i wouldn't post this, and i wouldn't ask you.
and and i could have fix the problem in a blink of an eye.
i think mozilla and explorer has their pros and cons -_-"
ps; - omma always say later later later.
she always forget.
i'm getting tired of excuses.
if i have the money and know what to do,
i could have done it right this instance.
i don't like this one bit. NOT ONE BIT.
-i'm scared i won't get to finish my persona before i leave.
but somehow that sentence just doesn't seem right :)
-if the wife's salary is much higher than the husband, would there be a problem ? :/
i'm very curious.
i think i can't love anyone like i love him
Labels: what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.