the day [ or to be exact the time ] the registration open, i waited.
registrating, i waited.
the day the registration close, i waited.
the day the application status reveals, i waited. an sms came. THANK YOU.
the day for the interview to come, i waited.
my turn to be interviewed, i waited. [ you can ask masscom-ers, the wait was unbearable T,T ]
for the results to come out, i waited.
to go there, i HAVE TO WAIT AS WELL.
pretty much my whole year has been all about waiting.
i've waited patiently to burst out of this bird nest for so long.
to get out of my parents and brothers shadows.
for effing once!
if there's one thing i hate more than lies,
is waiting.
i don't want.. i don't want to sit around..
thinking.. thinking how i could have done much better in the past.
i don't want to dwell it all over again.
i'm tired.
of course, there are pros and cons of sitting at home everyday for a whole year.
but pretty much.. it kinda side on cons more.
i mean, bored is not the only thing that you get.
of course, jojot said i'm at my worst state when i'm bored.
i can't deny that.
and i'm definitely sure, if jojot reads this, she's gonna glue me to the chair and open a bunch of tabs of ryeowook, yesung, donghae and anything that is relevant to super junior X)
but thats beside the point! [ geez fasya, jojot really brain washed with super junior -_-" not that i'm saying i'm not happy with that :P ]
i admit.
i had alil fun while i was in form 6.
actually alot.
i missed them.. very much.
i just..
cut to the chase.
i'm jealous.
i'm sad, and mad.
seeing other people enjoying their diplomas, asasi's or matrix or whatever it is.
God, i really need to leave this place.
i have to stop reading other people's lives and comparing it.
and dude, seriously, i CAN'T READ *'s blog without getting my heart ripped off.
you know what, i am so gonna stop reading * blog.
enough is enough.
i tried to be nice.
and thats enough.
no more mr nice guy. or mrs nice girl. or whatever! -_-"
Allah, let me just get through this month and my last days of being in shah alam.
let me be happy and you can hit me all you want at Melaka.
i mean, obviously assignments will be piling up.
but thats normal for a student life.
but seriously, just let me get through this tiny bits of my moments here in peace.
senget, suka hati kau je buat deal -_-"
ps; to be honest, i don't think i'm that jealous.
err mood swing? idts 0_0'
you know what? :)
i don't think i care about it anymore.
heh, funny.
things changed.
oh well :)
fyi, i still love him okay?
so don't go around saying i've found someone new.
cause i haven't -_-"
or i have but i turned him down?
urgh, them.
ok ok. need super junior dose again -_-"
ah babble -_-"
muah i love jojot
and i miss you.
oh oh farhah please come back home.
we only have two weeks for me and you to get together after you came back.
i'm scared if we don't have time for parties :/
Labels: PROBS, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.