chocolate cake to be precise :9
[fyi i'm so not in a good mood right now. this is all your fault hyakuji. why do you have to say that and do this to me :(
harith does not look like wookie! seriously, i am mad right now]
asal aku drama sgt malam ni?
seriously, i think i'm allergic.
i'm allergic of looking at *'s pictures.
i mean, i can't stand * !
everytime i see *'s picture, i feel so mad [make puffy face]
oh and no, i'm not talking about hyakuji or harith.
this is a different story X(
ok sorry for the slip-in.
termarah plak kat post ni -_-"
but anyway, the cake was a success :)
omma loves it, izzat loves it.
oh on top of the cake is a chocolate sauce i made.
i realised that it was easy to make.
hyakuji! you better eat it :(
seriously, why you never compliment me and appreciate what i do? :/
sometimes you..
what ever.
it's better if i don't say it all :|
disebabkan tgh marah,
saya pendekkan post ni. HMPH.
and doakan saya pulih esok pagi dan bersemangat utk menyambung ke post yang seterusnya.
sah, aku demam NUHA skrg.
oh kena ingat pesanan jojot;
"kalau stress,bosan,sedih etc, tgk suju, tgk wookie, tgk kyuhyun,tgk yesung, tgk diorg. JANGAN BOSAN KAN DIRI SAMPAI FIKIR BENDE YANG TAK PATUT"
em em, baik madam *nod
oh jojot, kyuhyun nya suara seksi ;)
i'll post the song later.
still in a bad mood :|
good nite!
you make me smile for a second and made me cry for my whole life
Labels: PROBS, story of the day

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.