my Along knows how much i want this.
kak aneez knows how much i want this.
even ZAKI knows how much i want this.
at last :D
saranghaeyo :3
it was the only one left.
and it cost RM59.90 :3
ken! i succeeded! :D
oh fyi; omma bought this cause she wants me come and accompany her to her office last Saturday -_-"
i hate going to office on Saturdays 0_0
this post is a continuation from this post
the place reminds me of persona -_-"
izzat said probably its because i missed playing persona 0_0
but it was!
a long hallway and at the center of the hallway, there's two closed door.
leading 'somewhere' thatidontknow -_-
omma's staffs. we were having our lunch at taman warisan was it?
i forgot what was the name -_-"
OH MY GUCCI, jojot was right -_-"
my amnesia is getting more worse :O
he said he misses me, but i'm always home 0_0
at least for this whole month :P
omma asked, " tu je nak beli?"
uh, hello? omma asking me what else to buy?
so i snatched one more that i had my eyes on.
if i could, i wanted to snatch like 12 more shirts that i had my eyes on 0_0
but i tamed myself from getting too 'wild'
i love shopping at reject shop :)
i think i'm getting shopping fever.
i mean, just imagine;
a three whole months of not shopping one single shirt,clothes,jeans etc etc.
anything. you NAME IT.
so yeah, definitely shopping fever ._.
oh did i mention i have my eyes on those cheer up Giordano's shirts?
the nearer the BIG DAY is coming, the bigger my desire on buying tons of new wardrobe :/
i wish that next week could come by more sooner than it should be :|
what a month -_-"
ps; -daddy! balik la cepat :3
i want my new handphone right now :3
-i baked a chocolate cake today.
but i'm too tired to continue to next post.
i'll save that story for later.
-to youknowwhoyouare,
could you please, pretty please GO AWAY?
i really don't like you.
really, i don't.
why you never compliment me? :/
i love you
so tired and emotionless
Labels: my things

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.