eyes are burning.
currently doing omma's work [i DEFINITELY hate law, like seriously] and watching&listening to jules and mike yapping at 8tv nite live.
they talk alot 0_0
but i like jules.
and i'm waiting for any korean mv.
usually they would put it on.
ah.. lady gaga. AGAIN.
but nevertheless, i want that wig of hers. ok MEREPEK-ing.
but seriously, I HATE DOING LAW.
i mean, wassup with these reports?
they keep repeating the same facts over and over again.
why are they making it so hard, i mean COME ON!
one report has like more than 45 pages.
urgh -_-" stomachache.
yes, i have to do a 45 pages report tonight 0_0
fazra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg! FINALLY.
when i log in to blog, i scroll down[like crazily, SERIOUSLY 0,0] to check whether you've done the tag or not.
haha and OMG [gee gee gee gee baby baby baby]
you took that pic! haha XD
how i love you :)
nuha nuha, apa jadi dengan danial kaoru [yes i danial KAORU] LOL
i don't know why but i miss reading his blog -_-"
ok, REPORT ni, tidak boleh siap hari INI.
dah nak tido. OMMA, byane -_-"
ps; OTOSAN [wah klu daddy, kau pggl dlm bahasa jepun lak?],
take care at Jakarta.
don't forget me [ like seriously, when i say that, i mean DON'T FORGET TO BUY ME SOMETHING]
haha just kidding otosan :) [no seriously]
pss; oh akhirnya, cobra starship new song kuar lak. ok ar tu.
eh handsome gak vocal dia ni -_-"
*singing good girls go baaaad*
mari mengembek BAAAAD LOL
psss; M knows me by my first name.
[ mengembek lagiiii! haha]
pssss; WONDERGIRLS! they're talking about wondergirls.
i'm not a big fan of wondergirls but i like them.
so I'M WONDERFULS. haha!
[a name for people who are fans of wondergirls]
and omg! a man was killed just because he didn't know WONDERGIRLS.
some are just crazy people -_-"
eyes are burning,
GOOD FASYA? haha you're so funny ashli :)
Labels: a scoop from the busy-ness

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.