fall for you - secondhand serenade
i'd promise jojot
that i wud play 'how do i live'
i swear to you
i did it
but it sounds so horrible
that i deleted it
i'm so sorry
that i wud play 'how do i live'
i swear to you
i did it
but it sounds so horrible
that i deleted it
i'm so sorry
so here's the redemption
ok :)
and to all viewers out there
i may not have a voice like mariah carey or ziana zain
but i love singing
whether you like it or not
thats not gonna stop me from doing what i love and what i know is right for me
never let ppl control your life
they have their big mouth
we have our BIG mind to think and BIG God; Allah to keep us walking to the right path :)
*tini used to ask me why didn't i record myself singing, ( tini's my bestfriend, she has the most beautiful voice, eventhou she doesn't really admit it, lol)
well i didn't want to because
- i was scared, prolly because i don't have a good voice
- i'm shy? haha i just hate all the criticism that i'll get once i post it
but here i am, posting a video me singing
hey i got to conquer my fear sooner or later
the heck with ppl's big mouth
what matter is what you believe and your beloved says
i've heard this qoute from teen titans
yes, i watched teen titans and i love it
don't judge me, haha
so anyway, i've been trying to find the qoute cause it sounds so awesome
and suits for this post
and i found it! haha :D
hey i got to conquer my fear sooner or later
the heck with ppl's big mouth
what matter is what you believe and your beloved says
i've heard this qoute from teen titans
yes, i watched teen titans and i love it
don't judge me, haha
so anyway, i've been trying to find the qoute cause it sounds so awesome
and suits for this post
and i found it! haha :D
" there is nothing you could have done. there will always be people who says mean words because you are different. and sometimes their minds cannot be change.
but there are many more people who do not judge based on how they look or where they are from.
those are the people who's word that truly matter"
but there are many more people who do not judge based on how they look or where they are from.
those are the people who's word that truly matter"
oh wait, i've said that already didn't i?
i took this qoute straight from the episod
anyway, i'm gonna keep this post short for the video
so enjoy :D
there's more to come
oh wait, i've said that already didn't i?
i took this qoute straight from the episod
anyway, i'm gonna keep this post short for the video
so enjoy :D
there's more to come
and to atok,
jgn sengih2 je
you know what to do rite?
janji tetap janji ;)
jgn sengih2 je
you know what to do rite?
janji tetap janji ;)
-i don't listen to rumors about me, i listen to the person that talk straight at me, whether face to face or phone call
so don't expect me to be entertain by bullshits such as " i heard that..." etc
-i wasn't really thinking when i said it, it just comes out naturally
i speak my mind out, but by the looks of his face, i wonder what was on his mind and how did he felt about it. deeply i think i may have made a mistake, or was it?
secretly, i'm still keeping it to myself, pondering it by myself.
-secretly i admire him from a far, wondering what is it like to be in his shoes,
most of the time, i just envy knowing what is going through his life,
but every second, i seldomly wish that i could actually be in those happy moments by their side.
-doesn't it breakens your heart and strength when no one really acknowledge your effort
when you're actually doing something good or sacrificing your time JUST FOR THEM?
-i dream about them all the time, they're always there in my dream,
it felt so real,
all those moments just being with them.
but what i hate the most about dreams
its that when you try to really grab and hold it tightly,
it vanished or you ended opening you eyes and you realise
"oh, its just a dream" *tears rolled down you cheek*
ps: " i should have known better, nothing stays forever,
including you, now i'm just stuck,
with my never ending love."
-i don't listen to rumors about me, i listen to the person that talk straight at me, whether face to face or phone call
so don't expect me to be entertain by bullshits such as " i heard that..." etc
-i wasn't really thinking when i said it, it just comes out naturally
i speak my mind out, but by the looks of his face, i wonder what was on his mind and how did he felt about it. deeply i think i may have made a mistake, or was it?
secretly, i'm still keeping it to myself, pondering it by myself.
-secretly i admire him from a far, wondering what is it like to be in his shoes,
most of the time, i just envy knowing what is going through his life,
but every second, i seldomly wish that i could actually be in those happy moments by their side.
-doesn't it breakens your heart and strength when no one really acknowledge your effort
when you're actually doing something good or sacrificing your time JUST FOR THEM?
-i dream about them all the time, they're always there in my dream,
it felt so real,
all those moments just being with them.
but what i hate the most about dreams
its that when you try to really grab and hold it tightly,
it vanished or you ended opening you eyes and you realise
"oh, its just a dream" *tears rolled down you cheek*
ps: " i should have known better, nothing stays forever,
including you, now i'm just stuck,
with my never ending love."
~sweet silent yet loud voice within
Labels: songs

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.