they don't make spyro like they used to :D
-talking to the game ; "go spyro! u can do it! aww! jgn la jatuh" sedangkan dia sendiri yg control. tekan salah, mmg la spyro jatuh XD haha
ok ok! saya gelak byk giler ari ni. sama ada for REAL atau tidak, saya gelak :D
its not like i aven't, but i'm ok :)
what do we do when a guy is down? make him laugh? pujuk?
someone said " kiss him!"
oh saya nk betulkan sikit statement saya, ada org terslh baca la ;) haha :P
semasa saya gi ke cameron, kami perasan ada starbucks. baru ditubuhkn actually.
kami terkejut dan terpegun namun.. kami berkata "pegi cameron, sejauh ini naik atas bukit, tpi minum starbucks" bukan nk kutuk or sakitkn ati sesiape la kan.
daddy ckp dtg suatu tmpt yg unik, kite nikmati keunikan dier dn hormatinya.
oleh itu bagi family saya, lebih elok minum strawberry tea, minum teh buatan cameron. the real tea plantation plak dekat kt cameron jugak. dpt melihat proses dan merasanya :)
oleh itu kami beredar mencar restourant biase je
tpi bagi saya, saya openminded. saya betul2 x kisah.
apa salahnya kan klu minum starbucks. duit kite, minum je la! haha
plus making urself feel like ur home is not a bad thing rite? :)
tpi family saya x support starbucks. sorry :D
daddy kte x elok. plus coffee is ur number killer friend :)
fact: farahsyafiqah x pernah minum coffee dan xkn minum smpi biler2 :)
one thing i hate the most about people, is when they talk trash.
i mean tolong la, pls check in the mirror will ya?
giving me tons of advice and all, but you can't even see yourself!
betul ckp farhah, totally annoying and BORING :D
lets show who's the one that is better ;)
Clique Girlz
something i found at myspace. weirdly enough i dunno y i was attracted to hear their songs when i first saw their pic. probably because they're totally hot+cute+adorable etc
haha i was really hoping dat this is not only anotha face show business but no quality in voice. ehem ehem :)
and thank GOD la, lagu2 diorg rupanya pop rock gak. suits my STYLE :)
rasanya berapa lama ek utk kumpulan ini nk famous kt Malaysia? hem :)
mybe yes, mybe no. haha
wait and see :)
I ain't gonna cry
Cause you can't hurt me anymore
You can run your mouth
You can speak your mind
Everything you say is a waste of time
You think you're so incredible
Completely unforgettable
You think the world spins just for you
You don't have a clue
You act like I'm invisible
Without you I'll be miserable
One thing is undeniably true
You think it's all about you
Cause you can't hurt me anymore
You can run your mouth
You can speak your mind
Everything you say is a waste of time
You think you're so incredible
Completely unforgettable
You think the world spins just for you
You don't have a clue
You act like I'm invisible
Without you I'll be miserable
One thing is undeniably true
You think it's all about you
:D haha jangan marah mickey :)
khas untuk farhah :)
kenapa? walaupun farhah dh sakitkan ati you?
oh sebab kamu masih tak sedar diri lagi. sebab tu la.
kamu pikir kamu sorg je ke yg kene dumped. dgr sini, byk lagi. beribu2 manusia dalam dunia ni yang alami apa yang kamu alami.
ya, dulu saya pernah rasa teruk dan rasa mcm saya sorg je yg terseksa giler
tpi i've REALISED.
why can't u? oh pls don't talk about Allah with me, you're only seeking God when ur down. you're PATHETIC LA
pls, i care for you and farhah. stop being STUPID. tq :)
oh oh! EMIYA! saya tak nangis :) well almost haha. ala tdi terdgr lagu sedih la. tu yg emo sikit ;)
pastu mickey x abeh2 ckp psl Palestin. mana x sedih skit XD
tpi saya ok :)
oh oh! indescribable again :) u never failed to amazed me and make me fall for you :)
and jgn jeles ok ;) itu adik kamu jugak kan? adik kamu, adik daku jugak! XD
and persona sounds.. mm interesting ;9 haha
notes; i may feel happy today, and i noe i will feel down tomorrow. but wut i can do is just cherish my time while i ave. when there's a fire, you don't poke it, you don't throw cloth or wood. nk bakar kan lagi? nk men api wat pe? u'll just get burned. haven't u heard dat? 8D
so what do u do? air? oldies la... fire extingusher? lame la.. gunakan api tu wat barbeque la! haha XD
asal saya ni sengal sgt mlm ni :)
wut i'm trying to say is, i dun wanna burn the fire even more. no matter how rite i am :)
i love defending myself and feeling proud of getting what is rite for me, but i'm even more prouder to be a better person by not gettin involve with fire.
we ave to be different. we ave to be better. we ave to be unique. we ave to be US :)
i am being ME
and i'm okay with that :)
if you're not, y shud i care? :D
asalkan saya gembira, saya x sakitkn sesiape lagi dah, x mengacau org, x membuat DOSA, x melanggar akidah dan x menyeksa diri dan org len :)
yeah, it hurts. yes it does but what can we do? hati orang,otak orang,minda orang,perangai orang,perasaan orang dan MULUT orang. kita takleh nk wat pape kan? :)
miyo advice terngiang-ngiang:
" Allah menguji keimanan kamu kerana Allah lebih sayang kamu dari mereka. terima kesakitan ni dan sayangi Allah kembali."
jojot ckp:
" da REAL truth lies within you. da REAL hero lies within you :)"
zaki ckp:
"you are always stronger than you think"
farhah ckp:
"true friends stick till the end no matter how much it hurts. kamu suka sakitkn ati saya! dan saya suka sakitkan ati awak. tapi i love you jugak :)"
farah ckp?
saya sayang korg walaupapepon :)
ps: i'm not turning to LES zaki. sorry :D
khas untuk farhah :)
kenapa? walaupun farhah dh sakitkan ati you?
oh sebab kamu masih tak sedar diri lagi. sebab tu la.
kamu pikir kamu sorg je ke yg kene dumped. dgr sini, byk lagi. beribu2 manusia dalam dunia ni yang alami apa yang kamu alami.
ya, dulu saya pernah rasa teruk dan rasa mcm saya sorg je yg terseksa giler
tpi i've REALISED.
why can't u? oh pls don't talk about Allah with me, you're only seeking God when ur down. you're PATHETIC LA
pls, i care for you and farhah. stop being STUPID. tq :)
oh oh! EMIYA! saya tak nangis :) well almost haha. ala tdi terdgr lagu sedih la. tu yg emo sikit ;)
pastu mickey x abeh2 ckp psl Palestin. mana x sedih skit XD
tpi saya ok :)
oh oh! indescribable again :) u never failed to amazed me and make me fall for you :)
and jgn jeles ok ;) itu adik kamu jugak kan? adik kamu, adik daku jugak! XD
and persona sounds.. mm interesting ;9 haha
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notes; i may feel happy today, and i noe i will feel down tomorrow. but wut i can do is just cherish my time while i ave. when there's a fire, you don't poke it, you don't throw cloth or wood. nk bakar kan lagi? nk men api wat pe? u'll just get burned. haven't u heard dat? 8D
so what do u do? air? oldies la... fire extingusher? lame la.. gunakan api tu wat barbeque la! haha XD
asal saya ni sengal sgt mlm ni :)
wut i'm trying to say is, i dun wanna burn the fire even more. no matter how rite i am :)
i love defending myself and feeling proud of getting what is rite for me, but i'm even more prouder to be a better person by not gettin involve with fire.
we ave to be different. we ave to be better. we ave to be unique. we ave to be US :)
i am being ME
and i'm okay with that :)
if you're not, y shud i care? :D
asalkan saya gembira, saya x sakitkn sesiape lagi dah, x mengacau org, x membuat DOSA, x melanggar akidah dan x menyeksa diri dan org len :)
yeah, it hurts. yes it does but what can we do? hati orang,otak orang,minda orang,perangai orang,perasaan orang dan MULUT orang. kita takleh nk wat pape kan? :)
miyo advice terngiang-ngiang:
" Allah menguji keimanan kamu kerana Allah lebih sayang kamu dari mereka. terima kesakitan ni dan sayangi Allah kembali."
jojot ckp:
" da REAL truth lies within you. da REAL hero lies within you :)"
zaki ckp:
"you are always stronger than you think"
farhah ckp:
"true friends stick till the end no matter how much it hurts. kamu suka sakitkn ati saya! dan saya suka sakitkan ati awak. tapi i love you jugak :)"
farah ckp?
saya sayang korg walaupapepon :)
ps: i'm not turning to LES zaki. sorry :D
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, friends, love, my voice

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.