i have something to get off my chest.
but don't worry, no harsh words are going to be used in this post.
let me make this simple and short.
i lost my small Dior purse containing more than RM70, a touchNgo card that I need for bus, and some pics that i took with jojot,abgdwan and kak ct at photobooth.
and with the purse as well, i lost my unfinished Sudoku book.
you might think its silly to be devastated on losing a book like that, but not to me.
i love Sudoku and losing that book and my purse, is like my breath has being taken away for more than 5 hours.
try to not inhale air for 5 hours straight.
yeah, thats how i feel.
i had an unnecessary fight with one of my closest friend.
it wasn't even about us.
it was about some dinner.
i didn't meant it to be that way.
i was just stating my opinion and you were as well, but it went out of hand.
i'm sorry.
honestly, the last thing i want to do is argue,
and the one thing i promised myself and have been trying to do this whole year, is avoiding any fight with my friends.
cause i'm tired.
tired of fighting.
i'm tired of losing another good friend.
but tuesday HAD to happen.
i really wish i didn't came to school that day, if i knew THAT would have happen, but unfortunately we can't turn back the time.
i really am.
thinking about what happen, and how silly it was, it makes me uneasy and uncomfortable.
just so you know, i haven't been sleeping well.
and... i think i've gained weight from all this stress.
you know me, i can't stop eating when i'm stress.
haha... *awkward silence*
eventhough this is just a small case, my heart was broken okay?
i hope you read this farhah.
cause i was really looking forward to friday.
you've been promising me alot lately.
and you've broken all of it as well.
please.. don't remind me of THAT person.
it hurts, like seriously.
i know you have a boyfriend, but don't back out from you friends.
cause you know, we're the only ones thats gonna stand by you at the end of the day and forever when most of your bf gone away.
i'm just saying, thats all.
like i said, something to get off my chest.
along told me 5 hours ago,
"oh semalam ada orang call. laki, along ckp farah balik kg. along tanya siapa dia, dia kata ahmad. along marah la dia 'kau ingat dalam dunia ni kau sorg je ahmad?' "
ok i think i don't need to continue his sentence.
here's the thing.
that person might has the similar name, but my brother said he sounded like more my first ex.
if you're reading this,
read this carefully.
i don't know who the hell are you and what you're trying to prove but YOU'RE JUST WASTING YOUR TIME.
here's the thing...
if it was him, he wouldn't call my house, because he would sms my phone or call my phone.
at least thats what i think.
i'm not sure, i still haven't call him to ask if IT WAS HIM who called.
but i doubt it was him.
like HELLO, my brother still has a good hearing okay?
note this, if i found out that he didn't call my house,
then the answer is, SOMEONE IS PRETENDING TO BE HIM.
and only YOU will be at the answer blank.
but i won't call you. got it?
why? heh.
figure that one yourself.
its a good trick actually, you made me think+confused of you for about..
hurm 1 hours i think?
and then i drop the subject and let the mystery unfold itself soon.
oh it will, it WILL.
and i don't even have to get my hands all dirty to figure all that out.
5# [cukup lima waktu]
i don't want to think of the consequences of not getting in.
all i'm thinking right now the consequences of me getting in.
i know i can't be too overconfident, but i have to believe in myself.
i mean "keep your believe when everyone look down on you"
i think it was from the poem If.
um a form 4 literature, or form 3? not sure.
but anyway, while everybody trying to ask and telling me what if what if what if i didn't get in [yes i repeat three times] ,
i want to believe that there is no what if.
the only thing i believe is what happen next.
thats all.
but there'd be tons of things thats gonna change.
i mean, no more ps2.
gosh, i'm away from it. i can't even imagine it -_-"
and then less time to online.
no more walking to ole2 and going karaoke just to hve fun.
no more piano at yamaha 9
thinking about it, just makes me drop to the floor.
life is gonna be hard after this.
and losing my newly close friends.
damn, i'm definiely gonna miss them.
i will. i am.
[note that i am still straight, PFFT you ppl]
oh look at the time, its already 4:21 am.
just in time for sahur.
heh, buat tiga post dari 1 pagi, what do you expect?
i guess this is it for now.
oh yeah, you must be wondering why i still havent give up on life,
i got free raya game cd from tauke today after taking back the ps2 that i sent for serviced.
yup, i am tooooootally happy :D
he said, it was for my raya present, haha my first raya present :)
but as simple as it is, i haven't given up on life.
not just yet.
and never.
i hope.
and you can BET ON THAT.
i hate liars

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.