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We Are Ready For Raya ! 1#

"He who throws away a friend is as bad as he who throws away his life" ~Sophocles

[silalah makan dalam]

like every year, Omma always say " Tahun ni tak rayalah. Alang pakai baju raya tahun lepas je la ek? "


in the end, Omma would turn up at the doorstep the next few days, with gulati's bags in her hands

oh no, if you're thinking that the gulati's cloth are for me, then you've just passed to the dark side haha

but anyway, the reason why i said we are ready for raya is because, kak jannah with her high spirit and will, she has cleaned all the windows curtain 0,0
so yeah, dust? No More! [haih buat iklan plak fasya?]

ye ye, i helped her as well la.
bising ar korg ni -_-"
haha [suka hati kau je ckp diorg bising, ntah2 diorg x ckp pape pun fasya -_-']

kakjannah:"wah alang boleh masuk casa impian sudah. arkitek berjaya!"
meet kakjannah

i didn't know curtains has their own chlidren -_-"

even mama didn't remember how the curtains goes.

lucky, I'M CREATIVE. haha XD [angkatlah bakul kau fasya, angkat lagi! -_-"]

even by doing the curtain, you use maths for it. PFFT [not really]

me: "kakjannah! nanti! farah dh check, and ukur pjg dia [ukur, whoa!] and kat sini ada 2 anak langsir yg lagi besar.
and and farah dah tahu nape kat situ nmpk mcm kosong, sebab kt situ letak satu. kalau ltk enam2 anak langsir ni tak muat, kan kan?"
kakjannah: "a'a lah, pandai farah."

me: "kakjannah, kita letak 3 anak langsir yang kecik tu kt tgh ok? sebab dier ganjil. baru lawa, kat hujung letak 2 yang besar. "

haih, takkan semua pujian yang diberi aku nk tulis, nmpak sgt nk show-off -_-"
[baru perasan ke fasya? PFFT]

haha XD
[sah kau gila fasya, tibe2 lak kuar nama dia, sedangkan gmbr punya pelik -_-"]

tukul, jangan tak tukul kakjannah! lol

kerja malam.

lawa tak?
setelah 1 jam lebih menukul, membetulkan dan menukul kembali,
berjaya juga siapkan.

haish, lawa jugak rumah ni.
rasa sayang pulak nak pindah...
haish -_-"

today's post is brought to you by

the ROCK.
Rock has Helped us throughout the process.

also to

Our one and only, HERCULES!

very handy with his

27mm size!

caution: dangerous for kids below the age of 15.

and last but not least, not forgetting our main sponsored who helped us to climbed and reached up to our goal and to the star[not really]

Mister LADDER!

thankyou again to all that has helped.

ps; with all do respect, do LAUGHOUTLOUD

listening to Tiada Lagi Tangisan - Misha Omar
ironicly shedding tears, FASYA


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Friday, September 11, 2009 12:29 AM
Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.
FASYA IBRAHIM (facebook)
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