like i care.
as long as i'm not so lame that i didn't watch it at all.
izzat with his chubby charm, got omma buying this cd.
a redemption for not allowing us to go watch movie 'Up' in 3D.
i'm still sad actually.
dah dah fasya -_-"
haish, aku takleh percaya, yang budak nilah yang aku akn paling rindu skali biler kat melaka -,-'
since izzat succeeded in asking omma buying a cd for him,
i also tagged along :P
i've always wanted to watch it.
haish, i was gonna took
i mean, i want to watch talentime! and i want to watch syurga cinta too!
haish, tak psl2 nanti kene bebel dgn omma free2 kt situ -,-"
lebih baik, jadi budak baik and ambik satu.
hyakuji!! i've got it! i can't wait to watch it!
wait for the review from me ok!
i'm sooo gonna call you :D
or maybe, i should just write to your box?
pfft, you're not gonna read it.
be nice fasya. ok i'll call you ok?
tidak lagi di tgh2 :P
- pesanan dari OMMA
"belilah yang original."
muahaha XD
apa, untuk support malaysia jugak kan :)
but i still want to see Up.
no matter what, i'm going to watch it!
bila kuar cd ciplak dia?
muahaha! tak menjadi pesanan Omma aku kt sini -_-"
Hots for Dance
Mia :)
Labels: story of the day

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.