simple as that. i mean, i did want to write, 'Busy' for the first reason.
but thats a common reason.
i used to move about with my handphone in my pocket or hand, even in my house. well that was then.
ever since i'm single [PFFT itu kau buat alasan? pandai betul kau fasya] ,
handphone is.. em.. is not on top of my list?
anyway, its either i left my phone in my room or in my handbag.
so yeah, THATS ONE.
2. Eating.
[ini aku pantang.]
my daddy has teached me to respect food and respect family.
ok? so when eating, just eat.
so faham2 la kalau aku tak angkat telefon.
sms? ofcourse sure, but still, to me its rude -_-"
i mean, its like having a conversation with someone and you're sms-ing someone at the same time.
ok food and a person is not a same thing, but food is still A THING.
manners people, manners!
[takyah bising, ini prinsip hidup aku, bukan hidup korg, yang nak kutuk apsal? :)]
3. Driving.
ok, i don't have license yet, but even road rules pun i tau la.
i mean cmon, its so obvious -_-"
handsfree? ok, maybe, but wearing a scarf makes it ABIT difficult to put the handsfree on -_-"
but still, handsfree or no handsfree, i won't pick up the phone.
whether its important or not.
shut up, this is just me.
so SHUT UP :)
focus on the road please.
4. Anonymous call.
hah! [ini LAGI AKU PANTANG, sampai langit ketujuh aku menjadi GOKU]
here's a thing.
i do like surprises. but i don't like asnwering a number that i don't know.
so to friends, i'm sorry if i don't pick up the phone when you call.
its just i don't like talking to strangers on the phone?
do tell send me a msg saying you're using a new number or you're using your mum's or dad's or aunt or uncle or grandpa grandma or even your nephews -_-" [sampai begitu skali 0_0]
cause i will not answer an 'ANONAMUS CALL'.
menyampah tgk bende ni tertera kat skrin phone aku.
kononnya nak rahsiakan nombor kunun, pirah! yang kau tepon asal?
5. Sleeping.
yes, i die when i sleep.
its rare if i could hear the phone rings when i'm deadly sleeping soundly in my dreamland.
so if i do pick up the phone, its maybe because while i was in my dreamland, i hear a background song [that happens most of the times -_-"]
thats why i don't really used my phone as alarm these days.[takkan menjadi punya]
but seriously, i won't really admit i slept at times when i answered.
but if i do, DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE.
amboi, kau dah bangunkan aku dari tidur ku yng lena, kau sedap2 je kata "takpelah, sorry ganggu."
usually people call because they have something to say right? so do say something, anything, no matter how stupid or ridiculous it may be -_-"
6. Silent.
haish, ini pun nk explain jugak ke?
its not my fault that at times i need to silent my phone and i forgot to UN-silent it back.
7. Hospital, Piano Class, School etc
tak payah ckp ar.
ok, maybe i ni pilih kasih but SORRY AR.
hanya orang yg penting je i akn jawab call dia.
but org lain.. :)
punya la tgh fukus main piano -_-"
nasib baik pn chan sporting [DAMN, i am so gonna miss her :(]
ps; i have piano class on wednesday, so faham2 je la ok? haha [kau ni mmg mulut besar kan fasya? -_-"]
8. Work.
this always happens to shahril -_-"
i'm so sorry shahril.
hope you're not mad at me.
btw you haven't calling me like you used to, you ARE mad at me?
ANYWAY [hish, fasya -_-"]
usually omma would stack me up with her work, so i would practically be so stress trying to figure out each words she wrote down [tulisan OMMA mmg terhebat la! -_-"]
while omma crying her butt off to some korean drama -_-"
KBS, what have you done to my omma? 0_o [and me too! LOL]
9. [ok, mcm mengarut je reasons td] House telephone.
ok, i don't blame people for being traditional? but um..
my house has like only one phone, and its upstair.
it is a good exercise, but..
" eh fasya, are u ok, u sound like u were doing a marathon?"
" hey fasya, buat apa hah tadi, tercungap-cungap ni, he-he-he"
haish -__-" perjalanan ke atas cukup panjang.
i need to quick2 cause if i walk slow, i wouldn't pick up the phone on time.
some people are just so impatient to wait for the person to pick up the phone -_-"
and it will take them SOOOO LONG to call back. that i end up walking down AND up the stairs again -_-"
last and THE LEAST [like seriously -_-"]
10. Mad.
ok, this RARELY HAPPENS. [shut up youknowwhoyouare]
when i'm mad, if i see that certain person that-i-don't-like-to-hear-them talking-to-me id on my phone blinking, dengan serta merta, akan ku campak telephone ku jauh2.
oh and if we had abit of a fight during a conversation on the phone.
and i hang up the phone, give me about 10 or 20 minutes boleh? do call me back. at least, with that, i would feel touched.
won't you?
cause if you do the same thing to me, i would.
but BAAACK to my point,
this rarely happens [meaning it does happen but not that often] , i usually would still pick up the phones, even when i'm mad 0_0
mcm semua orang ckp " Fasya will always be crazy and smile even when she's mad or sad. that is SOO FASYA "
i actually like to be label that way.
sounds like a compliment :)
[it is la you puff -_-"]
there's more, but i think i will go on mengarut-ing -_-"
so 10 for Ben Ten.
haha i love ben ten :)

haish, takpe nanti kat melaka, mesti ade jugak yang call kan?
biasalah, mak ayah tak biasa anak perempuan tunggalnya jauh dari diorg.
muahaha! rasakanlah !
ish evil nya kau fasya =.=
itu mak ayah kau jugak -_-"
ps; -this is MY reasons.
NOTE, that i am stressing MY.
its NOT yours. ITS MY REASONS.
it might be VERY odd and weird.
but this is me. so hush up and read up :P
- you know who i miss the most right now?
"Don't write anything you can phone. Don't phone anything you can talk. Don't talk anything you can whisper. Don't whisper anything you can smile. Don't smile anything you can nod. Don't nod anything you can wink."
~Earl Long
missing hugs from the one i loved
Labels: what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.