can't quite say this is a hobbie.
it just happen.
i mean, you travel somewhere, ofcourse you would buy some souveniers to remind or to show that " hey, i've been there before! "
daddy started buying me this small finger cap [honestly i don't know what these things really are -_-"] when he goes outstation.
ever since then, when i travel, or daddy does,
we would buy this small cap thingys [seriously, what are these things?] to remind ourselves we've been there.
oh, proud to say, i've succeeded cleaning and clearing all my stuffs.
now my table is dust-free and organised again :D
this is bad.
i can't keep myself calm.
oh lockie, please come back :/
Dust-Free yet sneezing -_-"
Labels: ramadhan/raya

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.